Sorry if I am wrong and tetradymite has not inspired exhibition whatsoever, but I still see a resemblance. My first paragraph in the post may have been harsh, I apologize for that. Your map may not look like it to you, but exhibition reminds me of tetradymite still. You shall join, yes?
No matter how much you swear, I heard from directly from people who tested things that needed to be changed. I cannot vouch for the fact that they told them to you, but I am sure that at least a few would. People usually aren't that big of dicks. Also, after reading a few of your VM's, just because someone doesn't like your map, doesn't mean they're an ass. I thought you were more mature than to think that.
I am sorry, Conker, I really am. My initial assessment of Exhibition was way too harsh, partially because I felt that the map was way too similar to Tetradymite. I will however attempt to give you some advice now on the subject: 1) Your spawns absolutely need updating. As I said earlier one player on my team was able to spawncamp with a sniper and shotgun. 2) Your weapons need rebalancing. Blue can spawn with the aforementioned combo and red cannot easily respond. 3) A few critical LoS need to be added/changed, because red and blue can see straight to each other when they spawn. As a final suggestion, I would recommend replacing some of the Huge Block geomerges at blue, as they are somewhat sloppy and could easily be redone for the better. I am VERY sorry for my initial outburst, as it was very unprofessional and not warranted at all. I will try to be only respectful and constructive in my comments in the future. Sorry, and I do sincerely hope you can make the map as good as it can be.
dude, i dont even care you have got to take some ****ing CnC sometime, even tho what im saying may piss you off, the reason why people are rating you 1 star is because you are such a **** to them. im going to bed
Everybody please ignore TKS and my response to him. He's being an ass... And the only reason I reacted as such is because JEEF (Who is also an ass) told him to **** on my map. He **** on my map along with JEEF, and I reacted. They are both on my ignore list, ignore my response please. This has nothing to do with me being on my period.
dude vvvvvvv , i saw TKS post, you are overreacting on a serious level. sorry, its true BTW, i cant see any pictures on your map, WTF
ok but i said what i thought about your map.. and i tried to be helpful sorry that you can't handle that
wow.. chill out. i gave you constructive criticism and you flip out? that is what posting maps is for on fh, so others can post what they think about it to help the author to make changes for the better.
Yeah I understand that and yeah i know that glitch. I didn't know I wasn't trying to say anything bad about the map. I thought you had placed it that way purposefully.
Nah, I finished before my testing session started. Sorry I couldn't make yours though. Invite me to a game if you're ever playing Velocity. EDIT: I see you renamed it... I like the new name better.
I dfidnt say anything like that, i gave my oppinion, some of the walls were not the cleanest some bumps, and i said the geomerged dunes didnt play that well.
Conker, tell me honestly: Was Exhibition inspired by Tetradymite? Really, the Hand? Either way, the map is very good, and it shows that you have the ability to manipulate elevation effectively in your maps to your advantage.