Seaboro Kibbles
Last Activity:
Oct 23, 2021 at 10:41 AM
May 17, 2008
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BC, Can-ah-dah
currently sticking it to the man

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Seaboro Kibbles

Ancient, from BC, Can-ah-dah

Senior Member
Seaboro Kibbles was last seen:
Oct 23, 2021
    1. Orange
      your sig is huge, you may want to change it before a mod deletes it and infracts u
    2. squidhands
      Thanks, man! :-)
    3. RightSideTheory
    4. RightSideTheory
      Didn't you get two features?
    5. Tydo
      HOORAY! YOU FINALLY GOT FEATURED! CONGRATS OLD FRIEND! If you make a new map let me know ahead of time and ill make a vid for it, im working on my old music vids again and a sniper short with those maps you made me
    6. aMoeba
      Hah... didn't know that. Looking forward to that new one. If you ever post it, make sure to let me know!
    7. aMoeba
      Congratulations on the feature... its about time you get one, many of your maps deserve it. I honestly think Valley of Fear should've gone more noticed, though.. it was tons of fun and my friend and I found that you can use you a tank to drive up the 70 degree slope and it was hilarious.

      Keep making good mini-games and you'll be a premium in no time :)
    8. Blue Pariot
      Blue Pariot
      Damn, Seaboro, it's about time one of your maps gets featured.
    9. Dow
      I actualy did play it
    10. Dow
      Hey dude. I really do like your map, sorry if i came off a little hostile.
    11. Agamer
      Congrats on the Feature!
    12. halo kid
      halo kid
      oh,that may be,because along time ago I was trying to get the most freinds,now I keep a small freinds list of people I accually talk to,so if you wana be on my list you should really be my friend.
    13. halo kid
      halo kid
      I dont knbow why you sent me a FR,but congratz on feature. this and smear the pinkie are to of my favorite minigames.
    14. whitehalo3
      It's about time you got a feature. Your smear the pinky map should also get a feature but I don't know why it doesn't. Oh Yeah. You probably don't know who I am but I have played with you a few times. I'm Hardcoremuffin9's friend... Whiteskulleton.
    15. Tydo
      that is beautiful. im starting filming monday! im gonna still need your help so if were on at the same time joinmy game so we can edit some stuff
    16. Tydo
      You remeber the structure you find on HALO:CE where sgt johnson is, try and make it as much like that as you can. Go on live now if you can
    17. Tydo
      I'm sure, and the fortress needs to just be a large forrunner structure with guardable poistions, just needs to look nice
    18. Tydo
      Well if you were ever on live id be able to explain it to you!
    19. Tydo
      I need a Navy Stealth Ship Interior on orbital, and a forrunner structure to be guarded on sandbox
    20. Tydo
      Scratch the collosium, just a fortress on sandbox, and an armory on orbital, and no i will not tell you, btw these need to be asthetic as possible
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  • About

    BC, Can-ah-dah
    currently sticking it to the man
    C borrowed what?
    I'm an indie game producer. I've mastered making Halo: 3 games, and have been renown and successful to be modest. I am actively working with the new resources available in halo: reach, stay tuned.

    -last updated October 2010.

    snowboarding, soccer, music, forging, etc.