halo kid
Last Activity:
11y 51w ago
Jul 29, 2008
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Aug 19, 1996 (Age: 28)
Im......unemployed. Unless you count school.

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halo kid

Ancient, from boondocks

Senior Member
halo kid was last seen:
Mar 17, 2013
    1. R0FLninja
      im going to bed, tommorow i start vaccay, wont be back till monday, possibly including being on FH.

      SO LONG!!!
    2. R0FLninja
    3. R0FLninja
      I made it :)
    4. R0FLninja
      a LOT is up with it

      in fact, it is ENTIRELY nude
    5. Pegasi
      That sounds like a plan dude, I always enjoy a good read as you know :P. I'm gonna get to be now, as you may have guessed tonight didn't go fully as planned on my end, and the sun is coming up now, I'm sleepy. Catch you tomorrow dude, and will look forward to seeing your idea laid out.
    6. Pegasi
      Lol, large collections of cheerleaders come before Halo dude, I understand :P. But yeah, just lemme know which day is good for you sometime, I've actually managed to find a little bit of work but it's a nice and flexible deal, so I should still be around a lot for Halo purposes.
    7. Pegasi
      Really sorry dude, had to rush off during that BTB game, right before it ended as well which was gutting. My friends were over at the time and they were supposed to hang around for a while after I was done with TGIF so we could hang out, they decided they needed to leave right in the middle of that game so I had to quit out and go with them to the station so we could at least chat for a bit.

      Continued (hate the character limit :P)....
    8. Pegasi
      But yeah, TGIF nights are generally not the best time if I'm running a party, tbh stuff always seems to come up when it's later over here like this. Is there a day, say, this weekend when you can get on earlier, so that it's like 7-8pm over here? It would mean I wouldn't end up rushing off as seems to happen a lot, and we could get a proper long session in, test and chat properly.
    9. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      I was in the friend box area and your name was there but a part of the box beside your avatar wasn't checked. I think a long time ago i denied your friend request by mistake or something... lol
    10. halo kid
      halo kid
      read these guys comics,there so funny
    11. l PATRICK l
      l PATRICK l
      for a permenet or temporary either way i am very close
    12. l PATRICK l
      l PATRICK l
      didnt think it would but how many points does it take to be banned
    13. l PATRICK l
      l PATRICK l
      i know im very sorry i like just stopped but it was to late, it wont happen aggain
    14. Linubidix
      I got it cut a couple months ago.

      I haveta go, ciao.
    15. Linubidix
      Partly, yes.
    16. Linubidix
      I'm on a two week break.
    17. Linubidix
    18. Linubidix
    19. Tydo
      i dont know, i jsut see grey thats it
    20. Tydo
      Wow, i see no color!