SGp isn't loading for me. Hell, the host isn't loading for me right now. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- lol
soz. Its not like vBulletin where you have titles. The text rank and the rank image are the same thing and I only give those out to the staff without ****ing over the user's ranking.
nope, its lower on the list. admins do admin work, hardly moderate except in urgent matters or in shock's case, when he sees stuff he can deal with. they tend to settle staff disputes, lend input, put stuff into direct action. as well as the stuff only admins can do, promos, name changes, etc. moderators are the workhorses and do the grunt work, thread-related stuff like locking, moving, etc. mostly troublemakers journos do writeups and organize events. they dont do mod work at all really, they can, but it isnt necessary for them to do so. guardians are like mini-mods really. they have limited mod powers. in terms of mod powers, like actual power (not opinion-value or ranking) it goes: admin>mod>journo>guardian>Testers Guild leaders
no, they had an app for mod, specifically for TexturedSun. I complained that it was an unfair move by Nitrous, and that he shoulda just promo'd him instead of putting up a show. Then they had one for Event Staff, and instead of apping and sitting idly by I talked to TDF (who had originally said I would never get into a staff position because I was an ahole) and told him that I knew the rules better than anyone else, he agreed, and shock had known me for a while too and supported it. Then Nitrous affirmed and promo'd me after staff consent.
Titmar and I were the original assholes on FH. I just knew the rules better and app'd for event staff. I proved my case, and got it.
Because I proved that I knew the rules better than 99% of the site because I was able to get away with anything I did.