Twilight GN0ME
Last Activity:
Feb 23, 2013 at 7:21 AM
Sep 2, 2008
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Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
Student (Games Design Course)

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Twilight GN0ME

Ancient, from Sheffield, Yorkshire, England

Senior Member
Twilight GN0ME was last seen:
Feb 23, 2013
    1. nitrotomato
      Alright, sure. I'm back from my expedition now so I can help you. Next Brain Feast is this Saturday, 5:30PM GMT. I will check out your maps on Friday. I'm sure they'll be good.
    2. Undead Fanatic
      Undead Fanatic
      Sup, I'm back from viewing your maps and here is my professional review, because there great maps and deserve no less. I downloaded both versions of Black Chapel and the Sandbox version is infinitely better than the original. I quite liked the staircase and can't wait for it to be seen in action. Lone Depot is much nicer and neater than it's predecessor but I'm disappointed that fence walls couldn't be added and it seems more claustrophobic than the original. It also might be a bit difficult for the zombies to understand where they're going at the start via teleporters but that can't be helped and will be overcome quickly. Overall an excellent job done and I can't wait to play them.
    3. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile

      Well, I can't wait to see your map. Make sure you give me a shout once its up, or even a friend request on XBL.
    4. nitrotomato
      Sounds very good, and Undead Fanatic says they're good, and I trust his judgement. As I said, if I like them, which I probably will, look out for your maps at our next Brain Feast.

      I'm going away for 6 days, so don't expect to hear much from me. I'll be trekking up mountains in the peak district.
    5. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Are the posted here on FH?
    6. nitrotomato
      Thanks mate. Your map looks very interesting, from what I can see - look out for us playing it at the next Brain Feast. It will not be this weekend, as I am away on an expedition, but next weekend. I'll take it for a test fly sometime soon.

      And yes, D2 FTW. Do you have Kali? I play Multiplayer on it very often. Contact me if you're interested. I'm soon going to make a forum post actually about D2 with important links and everything showing the people one of the greatest games of our time.

      I've also sent you a group invite :). Get chatting on our social group's discussion page, we need more active members ;).
    7. Esorath
      Yea man, go over to Halo Discussion board and post your map details there. From there, one of the team members will take on the assignment and get around to testing your map.
      after they are done they will get back to you as soon as possible
      as of right now, I don't have my copy of Halo, but I'm sure someone else will assit you
    8. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      I haven't had a chance to go over it yet, as I'm at work.
    9. chrstphrbrnnn
    10. Twilight GN0ME
      Twilight GN0ME
      Hey Everyone,

      After getting my map tested at the guild, its all good news with regards to my map. Other than 2 very easily fixed issues (Score and spawn) everything was very positive about the map, so it shouldn't be long until this map is piling on the downloads!
    11. Jorgy411
      i'll check it out again. ;)
    12. Twilight GN0ME
      Twilight GN0ME
      Hey, I've finally actually decided to get my account up and running again, so you should be hearing a lot more from me now!
      Info on my piece-de-resistance, Dodgeball:Ballistic Mayhem, will soon be available.
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  • About

    Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
    Student (Games Design Course)
    Twilight GN0ME
    I am Alex Johansson, a student who is currently studying games design. I have been designing game concepts for numerous years, and currently now have a growing portfolio of at least 7 games. Forge has provided me the opportunity to make some of these ideas a reality. With some luck and support, my maps should go somewhere. Thanks and enjoy the maps! Let me know about any improvements I can make on my work.

    Rock Climbing, Biking, Basketball, Designing Games, Surfing and of course, Playing Games.

