Yeah, that map looked crazy to forge. So are you just doing it the exact way he said, or are you changing it up a bit?
I was thinking, and do you want to make a conquest map with me? I'm probabolly starting it tonight. The theme is an Ancient dried-up aquaduct
your welcome. I got a new av cord but my xbox still does not work so me and my dad have been digging into it for the lsat hour and a half but if this does not work im just going to buy a new one
alright sure. add me and ill show you because i dont know how i would explain it over this my gt is my username
I just take an interest in urban maps, and considering that you like to make different styles of maps (or so I've heard), it's a surprise you haven't made an urban-themed one yet.
yah i hope so to im leaving in a few minutes i hope to be playing to night. really now all i need to do to the map is make it less bumpy then test it some more i hope you can help test in he next session
yah but i think im just going to buy a new one becuase i can not wait 6 weeks for microsoft to fix a problem they caused but first i am going to try and fix my xbox myself using tutorials on google but they probably wont work i think something is wrong with my AV cable because it does not go red with the AV cable out but it does when the AV cable is in i might just buy a new AV cable. anyway great map
that's cool, i haven't really been focused on that one at all anyways so whenever you have time we can get it done. I was thinking it would be kinda cool if i could do a simultaneous release of both maps, but I think if I make my new one first people wouldn't think of me as only a map remaker.