hey unsighted milk if that is you and your gamertag is also unsighted milk i used to be ur friend untill my bro removed you from my friends list.. i saw u on here and i was like woah... i odnt remember who i played with you on if it was pomegranate17 palmegrenade or kilafruit but my new gamertag is itz kilafruit send me a friend request and we can play or forge together...lastly i thought you only played castle crashers not halo....and if this is not you excuse me for reminiscing about someone else
Sorry for not including you in the forging of Velocity... But I said I might just randomly ditch out when I shouted in the LOL Box. I don't know why I even try forging with a partner... It's not you, it's me.. :D I can't wait untill I post it either... Wait untill you see the final version, I just came up with the greatest idea ever...
Sorry, :( I can not post on your map Tribulance it is against the ForgeHub rules to post on a map that has not been posted on for longer then 3 weeks. :(