Leave the infractions to someone who actually has an idea of what they are doing. Before you lose all respect.
Sorry I could not make your test, I was forging but can you look at my map and give a opinion so far?
Sorry my Xbl AV cables was messing up, and I did not feel like putting HDMI cables in :/ I really liked the map though, hope to play it again!
No problem man, it's what I do and glad to help. Make sure to send me a message over xbox live once your map is in it's bearings. Invite me for testing :P
Hey, I accidentally forgot to put an 8 in the title of my thread in the testers guild. Its supposed to be after the slash, and I was wondering if you could add it in for me. Thanks.
Hey would you be able to update the Halo CE/Halo 2 Remake Database Thread under the Halo Forge Map forum please. I posted my remake of Midship there awhile ago, and the creator of the thread hasn't done any updating, nor has he been active for a long while. It would be much appreciated :) My post is one of the last on there right now. Thanks
Can you change my name? if you could that would be great i would like it to be "NicksMods" (just like that) Thanks