I particularily liked Mogwai Fear Satan, Auto Rock, We're No Here, 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong, Acid Food, Take Me Somewhere Nice, and I Know You Are But What Am I; but honestly I haven't heard a song I dislike from these guys.
Here: Grooveshark -- Listen to Free Music Online -- Internet Radio -- Free MP3 Streaming This is one of my favorite songs they have. There's plenty of other songs on there to listen to as well.
Hey have you ever heard of a guy named Mogwai? A friend turned me on to this dude recently and you said you liked music with no lyrics and this guy has like no lyrics in any of his songs.
I've talked it over with Commander Matt, and if they attack again it's over. I also talked to the one attacking us, and also he didn't know about it. The UK, Mexico, and Russia are ones that I know that we can attack for sure.
Yes, Although I said that to general Roche that was before we made the alliance. I didn't base my attack well enough. Ireland wanted to take out the U.K. Check my convo with Roche and you will see.
Congratulations, General of Ireland... We have expelled the foreign barbarians out of America. But, now the United Kingdom is growing in numbers and the rest of the European Union. It's time we cut off the head of the European Union and victory shall be ours. Direct quote from Roche. I dl belive france is part of the EU!
Although you are correct about that we have agreed not to attack each other and take out the other countries that may harm the Alliance later.
Very good then... Within our small alliance are a small group of countries that have sought help from Japan. Currently our alliance holds Ireland, France, Australia, Yugoslavia, Japan, China, and N. Korea. All other countries are fair game unless stated otherwise. We are currently attacking the capitalist pigs that is America. [IMG]
I never said I was going to attack you... But be warned of your actions, as it could have some side effects to your country. And when I say "Asian Fleet" I mean all of the Asian countries are under my control.
No one is allowed to mess with Japan... I (Leader of the Asian fleet) have made several key alliances with other countries. You should be careful who you attack as I have several friends on my side. One of them being with the French.