I don't start year twelve until August. Most of my classes are electives anyway, so I'm good for activity. Plus, I have a newfound enthusiasm for forge.
"One of the images isn't working. So... 3/10. The penguin GIF is okay, the one where he trips him is much better than the slap." ^huh?^ Doesn't work?? The GIF image and the links work perfectly fine...
Ah I see. Well y'know, either way the holidays themselves will be awesome. I'm about to go for a drive now the weather's good here, G'night mate!
Damn! I had all my exams around the start of June and now I'm just doing some preparation work before A2 next year. Definitely looking forward to Summer. Plenty of parties going on pretty much every day for the first two weeks at least! I am going to be w-a-s-t-e-d!
Ahh very nice, I've technically got till the end of this week. English was.. eh, let's say I didn't enjoy it.
Linu, I just looked at your posts in the Post your Picture Thread You starting to freak me out a bit :shiver:
I see you're having fun with the scanlines :P How's it going? I've finally finished the first year of A Levels and all that, I'm sure you're near done now right?
Linu. In 3 years you apply for the role Of The Joker In the New Batman Film, And win every Academy award for "Best Villain Facial Expression" for the next 43 years. And they accept you into the film 'cause of your profile pic ;)
so its basically like, a single forum mod?there could be one for any? Screenshots, Forge discussion, etc?