ducky buddy
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15y 11w ago
Apr 13, 2009
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Atlanta, Georgia
school haha

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ducky buddy

Ancient, from Atlanta, Georgia

Senior Member
ducky buddy was last seen:
Dec 19, 2009
    1. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      i don't have any powers, you prob need to message a mod or site admin to get unbanned (or just wait till your infraction is up)
    2. uF HaVoK
      uF HaVoK
      sounds good man, if you want any pointers, talk to me on xbl.. my gamertag is iHavoK iZ Siick

      but taht one is silver right now, so i am playing on Yum Im Hungry

      Add them both :)
    3. uF HaVoK
      uF HaVoK
      Well, after i got my 50 in doubles, i started playing Lone Wolves and if you come in first, you should rank up pretty fast. Since it is harder to level up once your highest skill is 50, it takes me longer to level up than you if we both preform at the same skill level. Umm if you are good at lone wolves, try it, since it is the easiest playlist to progress in IMO. For me, Team Slayer is easy to win in, but i just dont seem to level fast.

      Try getting high in LW first, but then move to TS if taht doesnt work. My brother got his 50 in Team Slayer in about 2 and a half months so it's possible :)
    4. ducky buddy
      ducky buddy
      I am looking for a team of people who do a show in Halo 3 kinda like H3MB I am a fairly good voice actor and I can co-op with everybody pretty good so if your intrested then just message me. thanks =)