iTzRiPPiNG x
Last Activity:
Jun 23, 2009 at 3:15 PM
Jun 23, 2009
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iTzRiPPiNG x


Senior Member
iTzRiPPiNG x was last seen:
Jun 23, 2009
    1. mavrick145
      Hello guild member! would you like to have bragging rights and a sweet map pre-made and ready for you to own because i'm too cheap to collect my money together and buy you something? well if so then just join in on our guild's map contest going on untill August 22nd!
      -hope to see some great things from you, Mav.
    2. ZOMBIECOW11
      Hey, I got a customs post on for the Forger's Guild. We need to get a few more members so we can have large custom parties.
    3. mavrick145
      i'm glad you've joined the guild! i am one of the two leaders here at the forgers guild. you are the lone tester in our guild so if you have a lot of friends that could help you build that'd be great.

      -hope you do good, Mav.
    4. NOV3D
      I am a ForgeHub Judge Team Leader who is in charge of posting and much more. I have just finished are forum and are team is now going online. So that means everyone has a chance to be on the team. So if you think that you have any specific talents or just think you would be good for a certain spot on the team please send a message to me or just post in are FORUM.
      Thank you for your time.

      ForgeHub Executioner
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    iTzRiPPiNG x