Sweet dude. I got excused from my moms friends sons college graduation party (who I don't even know) because of the flu, so I have a nice free day for myself :D
Same deal. Kinda bored now that the summer's started, but I guess that's just one of summer's many products. You up for some MLG tonight?
Hmmm, the way the poster posted sounded like he was upset almost by your locking of his thread. And I apologize for offending you. Small assumptions are bad too.
I assumed it was only bad forging that led you to lock it. Can you link me to it, or tell me the name of it? And no, I'm not trying to challenge your position or anything. It just didn't seem fair to lock a map because you thought it was so bad that it were a 'joke'. However, if the map is as bad as you describe it, you probably did the right thing.
It didn't seem fair to lock that guy's thread on the basis that you thought it were a joke. Just because he wasn't aware of the high standards of maps posted here doesn't mean that his map didn't deserve similar responses and criticism (albeit a lot more criticism) to those of other maps posted on the site. You could have at least linked them to forging guides and vids so they can actually improve their forging. You should have taken into consideration that they weren't joking and that they liked the aspect of forge but knew nothing about it. That could have been their first map. What did your first map look like?
True, I get fun out of CoD4 as of now, and I have been doing PC gaming a lot, I may try some Mulge later...depends...xD
I love Halo, but just when getting a team together people failed me many times, and the team well failed, I just want a team of people I like and can play with, I am thinking of playing Halo 2 for fun and pwn nubs...xD
Haha, I would Cap that for the lulz I love CoD for some reason, just needed a break from Halo, Halo has made me lose interest for some reason in it, not sure why.... BUT GET ONLINE! Cause I said..xD We should be able to talk this time, I have Open Nat now.