Shock Theta
Last Activity:
Jan 17, 2019 at 6:54 AM
Dec 3, 2007
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London, UK

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Shock Theta

Father of 4chub, from London, UK

Forge Critic Senior Member
Shock Theta was last seen:
Jan 17, 2019
    1. chrstphrbrnnn
      I'm not quite sure it's something others can see, if you know what I mean.
    2. EpicFishFingers
      Today I have nothing constructive to say. Therefore: GAAAAAAAY!
    3. Zanitor
      haha, I will actually probably be asleep later knowing me...xD Im tired. Also I will make a application for RH soon, but I am not into Halo for now, so I will in a bit once I get a bit more into it.

      AND I should be getting the Moderation Job on Gamespot, I actually got a message about it, they said I got put on a list to be chosen for the next moderator drafts, which will be awesome, its a huge site to be a part of.
    4. Zanitor
      Well yes I will still see my Aunt, but I just wish we could go earlier and get home earlier, but mom is not wanting to go, but I want to help, so I will Definlaty be there on Friday, I will sure try today, also may I ask what the testings for, just for review, or? :P
      I hope to play with you Mr Shock, we will pwn in Hardcore Team Deathmatch...xD
    5. Zanitor
      Well I have to go out I may not be home in time because Mom wants to see my Aunt who has cancer, but I will surely try to make it, if not I can try to do it another time, or if you need more testing, I'm afraid I may not make it...I want too...xD
    6. Zanitor
      I thought CST was your time, I have no clue...xDD Well 6 pm, is a BIG maybe, I am trying to stay up thought, but I will surely try for you man. What exactly will we be doing?
    7. Zanitor
      So that would be 12 EST right? I will if I don't fall asleep, but I have no played Halo for 2 weeks, but I can try. If I am on just invite me, I will probably be there :)
    8. Donii
      :D Thanks.
    9. Zanitor
      So? :P Can't you still get on...xDD
      So um...hello :P
    10. Zanitor
    11. Zanitor

    12. chrstphrbrnnn
      Can shadow and I bother you for a test and some feedback on our map soon? We've been struggling with a lot of different opinions.
    13. Dow
      Oh wow. well how long for?
    14. Dow
      Could you tell me >.>?
    15. halo kid
      halo kid
      thank you admin sock monkey
    16. halo kid
      halo kid
      shock,if your not busy,can you change me back to halo kid 024,I think Im going to stay this time.
    17. Donii
    18. ForgeGod117
      Lol! Review Hub me up. I'm growing impatient! lol!
    19. Donii
      Can you change the title of my thread? agamer kinda gave me his oppinion and im taking it to consideration.
    20. SargeantSarcasm
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    London, UK
    Shock Theta
    Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody is perhaps the most famous Auror of modern times, single-handedly responsible for capturing numerous wizard criminals. He is also said never to have killed his quarry - even when permitted to do so - unless he had no other choice. Moody's face is badly scarred and he has lost several body parts, including his left eye, right lower leg and part of his nose whilst fighting Dark wizards.