Last Activity:
Jul 2, 2011 at 10:44 AM
May 19, 2008
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Senior Member
Kalriq was last seen:
Jul 2, 2011
    1. fireskull
      I've been looking at/playing your maps, and I think they are very good! Especially theatrical :)
    2. Orange
    3. Twilight GN0ME
      Twilight GN0ME
      Hey Spartan, that sounds great; its good to know that you're inspired by it. Is there any chance that you could at least wait till halloween to release the maps you're developing, so at lest the VIRUS STRAIN 57 can be released for then. Other than that, I'm honoured. What you planning to build?

    4. Joe is Outside
      Joe is Outside
      OMG... you have 117 comments...
    5. PeTeR DA EaTeR
      PeTeR DA EaTeR
      maybe we cud organise me, u and sum uvva zombies inc guys on a specific day, like this saturday, and spend ages trying 2 do it
      ??? maybe, plz respond
    6. PeTeR DA EaTeR
      PeTeR DA EaTeR
      olly, we reli need 2 try vidmaster agen soonish
      and thn as soon as odst coms out well do all vid masters on dat if any are multiplayer any well get reconz! :D
    7. PeTeR DA EaTeR
      PeTeR DA EaTeR
      olly! wen we doin halo????
    8. PeTeR DA EaTeR
      PeTeR DA EaTeR
      olly!!!! y does it say unsc trainee on my profile but urs is a guerilla? pleese tell me coz i want it changed! :P i dnt like bieng trainee :'(
    9. nitrotomato
      Dear Zombies, Inc group member,

      This message is to inform you that this weekend will host our Brain Feast Revival major infection event. After a long period of custom gaming inactivity due to exams, we are now restarting our weekly infection custom games, beginning this Saturday at 5:30PM GMT / 12:30 EST (Noon).

      The thread for sign ups is here. Please post in it to attract attention and keep us alive, feel free to fire me a PM, or post in our Brain Feast discussion on our social group's home page.

      I look forward to seeing you at this weekend's event!

      nitrotomato aka chonkemp
    10. Kalriq
      Ok, sure thats fine then,
      I just took it the wrong way,
      sorry man.
    11. Obibital
      i understand, but i love zombies, inc and ill i wanted to do was spread the word. and when more people join it, zombies, inc will become even more known. i was not intending this in any negetive way at all. just trying to tell other people that play intelligent infection games to site site devoted to such.
    12. nitrotomato
      Try what I just said, if that doesn't work restart kali a couple of times and keep trying. Normally works for me.
    13. nitrotomato
      Try this, somewhere in chat there's a thing marked #Chat, under channels. Right click on it and press "Switch".
    14. nitrotomato
      Wait, I half see you in chat. I can see you on the external list but not the itnernal. Try saying something in chat.
    15. nitrotomato
      I'm going to play a game with my mate. We should be done in half an hour or so, then I'll help you. Do you have an IM client, like MSN? If you have msn, add me at nitrotomato@hotmail.com. I'll help you set up kali properly. If you know how to, open port 2213 on your router, that should make kali work.
    16. nitrotomato
      Mate, youre either in the wrong server or you've not got a properly registered trial. I can see your username on the list on the {u} Descent server, but I can't see you in chat. I'll say again, the exact server you should join is "->" descent, it has about 19 people in it. It's not under game servers, it's under Chat Servers.
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