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Jun 12, 2023 at 7:17 PM
May 1, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from London, UK

Senior Member
Pegasi was last seen:
Jun 12, 2023
    1. arrrghSAM
      No problem mate, I always accidentally did it when trying to tab to a different program and remembered it through that.
      Ahh I don't use stacks on this, they got annoying for me but they're very useful at work.
    2. halo kid
      halo kid
      :( i was about to post my new map,but says I dont have any...:(
    3. arrrghSAM
      For Front Row you can just press CMD/Apple key + ESC on your keyboard, for future reference :)

      My dock's pretty small compared to my work one actually, as the one on the iMac at the office has each item of any Creative Suite that I use, so that's more or less each thing from CS2, 3 and 4, as we get them all at a reduced multi-user price.
      My Macbook Pro has.. let me count... 18 icons, including Finder, Sys Prefs and Trash.
    4. Transactionzero
      What time do you want to get on? I get out of work in about 4 hours.
    5. Transactionzero
      Two of his friends the play MLG playlist alot and always ask him to play. He's left mine and chris's party to go play with those friends. I guess he likes MLG a bit.
    6. Transactionzero
      I've played with Shadow quite a bit. He's a challenge for me. He's also been playing with his friends in the MLG playlist. He could be a good fourth. Plus I know how he plays. I could talk to him if you'd like.
    7. iRaynne
      I talked to AmercanPsycho, he's up or it, and he's pretty good as well.
      I'll be on LIVE if you need me :D
    8. arrrghSAM
      No problem mate, I've got a huge amount of stuff in my menu bar and most of it is has the "show in dock" box un-ticked.
      I'd hate to be one of these people that has the default dock and nothing else added or taken away. I especially dislike seeing the little dashboard icon in a dock!
    9. Linubidix
    10. Transactionzero
      I get to play MLG and then compete against the Loln's. Sounds like fun. Do you want to have a practice schedule? Who's the fourth?
    11. mastersync23
      Oh, and have you played RF: Guerrilla?
    12. halo kid
      halo kid
      k,see you later.
    13. mastersync23
      Dude...why are you a Journalist again? I liked the purple :P
    14. halo kid
      halo kid
      yea,Im stil in the forging stages,but so far there is lots of human senery. I just need to come with a back story,and test. How about:

      "once a jackel training facility was taken over by humans,and is know an abandoned refugee camp" for a back story?

      I also plan on making the map very carbine friendly.

      why am I telling you all this?

      why am I asking you s many questions?

    15. halo kid
      halo kid
      your knowledgeable of the site,do you thinks its a good idea to post my own varient of gardian,its just an alternate weapon set and my own senery
    16. iRaynne
      The TGIF before last hosted by Shock. In the FFA's, he was nearly always first.
      Triggers Up?
    17. iRaynne
      Oh, that's right. You want me to get a hold of him or do you want to do the honor?
      I've seen him play, and he's definitely good. That leaves uno spot open. Hm.
      Team name!
    18. iRaynne
      Hm. Partying up with people we play with is always an option, and we can see how they play.
    19. iRaynne
      Once LIVE is back, we can start recruiting. Do you have anyone in mind that's decent in MLG at Forgehub? Orengeremi's seems really good. And if he doesn't wanna use his real account, we can always make one-months like the LOLers.
    20. iRaynne
      We should make a team and rise up and overthrow the LOLerz. :P
      We played incredibly well those last two games yesterday.
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    London, UK
    Oh Globbits