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12y 12w ago
Mar 23, 2008
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May 24, 1989 (Age: 35)
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Ancient, from Returned?

Senior Member
Tex was last seen:
Dec 29, 2012
    1. Lone Deity
    2. ScarFac3d
      That's cool, I'm still with the same girl.
    3. ScarFac3d
      So, what have you done since off Xbox? Got a girlfriend?
    4. ScarFac3d
    5. ScarFac3d
      ****, that's right. No Xbox for a day..What ever shall I do?
    6. ScarFac3d
      Go to the Xbox Website, create a profile with your broken Xbox's Serial Number, lie and say you've had the RROD. Even if your out of warrenty, you should be able to print a label online, then send it in. I've done it before with regular errors, they don't give a ****, they'll fix it and send it back, no problem.
    7. ScarFac3d
      * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x *
      g g
      o / \ \ / \ o
      a| | \ | | a
      t| `. | | : t
      s` | | \| | s
      e \ | / / \\\ --__ \\ : e
      x \ \/ _--~~ ~--__| \ | x
      * \ \_-~ ~-_\ | *
      g \_ \ _.--------.______\| | g
      o \ \______// _ ___ _ (_(__> \ | o
      a \ . C ___) ______ (_(____> | / a
      t /\ | C ____)/ \ (_____> |_/ t
      s / /\| C_____) | (___> / \ s
      e | ( _C_____)\______/ // _/ / \ e
      x | \ |__ \\_________// (__/ | x
      * | \ \____) `---- --' | *
      g | \_ ___\ /_ _/ | g
      o | / | | \ | o
      a | | / \ \ | a
      t | / / | | \ |t
      s | / / \__/\___/ | |s
      e | / | | | |e
      x | | | | | |x
      * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x *

      Just received that message on Omegle, apparently the /b/tards raid there.
    8. ScarFac3d
      What happened?
    9. ScarFac3d
      I was just screwing with you. Saw your avatar, thought you or Mastar might know him =). So, when are you going to be able to get on Xbox Live again? I'm bored as ****.
    10. ScarFac3d
      I love ****ing with people on this site.

      Connecting to server...

      Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

      You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

      You: Hey

      Stranger: hey

      Stranger: usa?

      You: Yeah, you?

      Stranger: Chinese

      You: You play joke? You go pee pee in my coke?
      Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    11. ScarFac3d

      Connecting to server...

      You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

      Stranger: hi im a 22 years old guy and im looking for cybersex with females

      You: How young is too young?

      Stranger: hi im a 22 years old guy and im looking for cybersex with females

      You: I'm 15. =)

      Stranger: hi

      You: Hey

      Stranger: are you female?

      You: Yes

      Stranger: nice to meet you

      You: Am I too young, or are we good?

      Stranger: where are you from

      You: What's your name?

      You: Texas

      You: You?

      Stranger: my name is Tom

      Stranger: Im in Hongkong

      You: Do you have a myspace?

      Stranger: not yet

      Stranger: and yours?

      You: Any pics?

      You: My name is Amber

      Stranger: Amber is a pretty name

      Stranger: are you at home or school?

      You: It's 2:00 am, I'm at home, naked.

      Stranger: ok

      Stranger: do you use MSN messenger

      You: Cam2Cam?

      Stranger: yup

      Stranger: will ou

      Stranger: will you

      You: NO, ****ING CREEPER!

      You have disconnected.
    12. Insane54
      Thanks, I guess. I know what your talking about...I normally wouldn't mind going back to Mod, but to be it significantly helps me when I'm trying to resolve PR like stuff (like the cr33ping incident), and I like to be able to give the extra help around considering the activity I have. That's why I don't mind the PR rank when I get back, until then I'd rather not have the drama of changing ranks that it entails anytime an admin change is done on an internet forum. I can be totally wrong about this, and maybe it's true, but I don't think I've changed (or at least I try not to) for the worse during my promotions, I guess people just connect stuff that isn't really meant to be connected, if you know what I mean. I haven't felt any different about my time during Staff, Moderator, or Admin...honestly, I just want to help out as much as I can but at the moment I feel like there's no point to even trying anymore.
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      skype for a sec?
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      should probably lay off Insane a bit...i only said what i said the other day because he was blatantly acting like an idiot.
    15. Pegasi
      Lol, dark secrets ftw. It's not something I can really hide tbh, someone gets to know me they're gonna know that I play Halo, umm...quite a lot. But good luck dude, tis a good name, and that's a start :P.
    16. Pegasi
      Does she know about FH at all?
    17. Pegasi

      And does Naomi know you tell me that? :P
    18. Agamer
      You like my avatar, he's a pretty cool guy?

      In order to see it, view one of my posts, you shall receive some lols.
    19. Playerhata27
      Oh lol, haven't really gotten use to it yet. Thanks Tex.
    20. Playerhata27
      Hello good sir. This thread hasn't been posted on in three weeks. According to the rules, 3 weeks is the official deadline of a necro-post. Though I just finished my review for it, and spent an immense amount of time on it. I don't want this to start trouble, or under the table deals, just asking you if I would be permitted to post it without being infracted. Thanks.