What the ****? I've been told you're not coming on for a long time...why? You could at least hop on to give me Juturna. :)
Here's a screenshot of the new Exodus. You want to help when you get the maps? http://s5.tinypic.com/f2o707.jpg
**** you, Julian!? I heard the maps come out next month on the 9th anyway on the marketplace, so it's not that long of a wait. I guess...
Very true. Blood Fire has informed me that there will be a template contest in the Crypt of Sandbox coming up. So go on eBay and buy the maps god damn it.
How am I whining at all? And how am I bitching, I'm trying to be friends with you guys but you seem to be too stubborn. Don't tell me to grow up when your the one complaining about not having your name in a video, which "was so horrible". I don't need to grow up just because I'm not being an asshole like you. Im actually trying to comprimise, but all you seem to be saying is "grow up".
So your saying the internet is a place where people can be assholes? I don't think so, and don't tell me to grow up because I'm pretty sure I already have grown up I'm just saying I'm sick of you and SoLo...