[IMG]the botton that has an earth with a chain under it... you have to pressthat bottom when you edit your post. im not to good at explaining.
edit your post type the name of the map or what you want to say and there should be a botton that has a chain on it.. press that and then paste the link.
no im stuck i don't now how to post my maps i have some pics ready but im not sure what to do . how do you get your images online without capture card?
yeah like this was marked as spam " looks like a good map need more pics tough" does that sound like spam?owell how many maps you post so far?
damn i thought i had it bad ! all i know is if i reached moderator status i would be alot easier on rules because i got an infraction for spelling "Very" wrong . plus how do you create a sig?
pretty cool map i left a comment .and i checked my cp and it says it expires august 17 so two weeks that SUCKS! also sent friend invite.
man i don't know. they didn't tell me that part .i thought i would be able to as soon as the ban was lifted but till then all i can do is read posts and comment .