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Sep 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
Gilbert, AZ

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Ancient, from Gilbert, AZ

Senior Member
Scobra was last seen:
Dec 29, 2011
    1. Brodellsky
      Haha well get better at Forging, learn to Geomerge and interlock better, obviously everyone used to suck, and besides, you don't have to Geomerge in the SkyBubble.
    2. Brodellsky
      You should try to expand your horizons and make maps in different areas and different kinds of maps.
    3. Brodellsky
      Damn right, just like Ryan101Gamer
    4. Brodellsky
    5. Dow
    6. Dow
      btw, whats with the random structures with the lights near them in the dunes?
    7. Dow
      Gimme a picture of the map.
    8. Dow
      make an official testers guild test first
      do you know how?
    9. Dow
      Ok nigra
    10. Brodellsky
    11. Brodellsky
    12. Brodellsky
      Did you enter it yet?
    13. Brodellsky
      Thanks to Dow, haha
    14. Pegasi
      I made no threat of a ban, I didn't even mention a ban, don't make baseless accusations. If you honestly want me to get philosophical then any conclusion in life other than that of good ol' Descartes is an assumption, so I think I'm gonna go with this one. For all I know you could be Kim Jong-il, and about to launch some missiles at me in furious retribution, but that doesn't mean I'm going to base my actions around this possibility.

      Continued below..
    15. Pegasi
      I would advise against telling me what is and isn't my 'right', simply because you clearly have no understanding of what this means in this situation. This is not a nation, we are not an elected government, we are a community staff who run this site voluntarily and without recompense so that users like yourself (well, not like yourself in every respect) can use it. You are in no position to be telling me what is and isn't my 'right' here.

      If you are so insulted by my advice to grow up, then maybe you should take a step back. If you really think that posting a picture of grenades organised in to the words "**** ya" on a site where the minimum registration age is 13 years old, and where people come to find enjoyable maps not offensive jokes, then you should probably take another quick scan over the situation and think again.
    16. Pegasi
      I'm sure your just more and more hilarious in your own mind as this goes on, I hope this is some consolation to you. I insult no one, I merely made a justified statement. If you're honestly going to try and keep this up, that your oh so hilarious grenade pile etc. is somehow a serious attempt at a map, then fine, waste your energy to your heart's content. But the happy fact is that moderators here have certain degrees of discretion awarded to them, and this is one case where I will use said discretion. Conclude all you like, this is going no where, and either you just drop this right now or you won't even receive the courtesy of another response.
    17. Pegasi
      Please grow up.
    18. mista tipsta
    19. Mr Fausticals
      Mr Fausticals
      hmm ill have to look into this more then. thank you for commenting back with me
    20. Mr Fausticals
      Mr Fausticals
      Possibly have certain parts of the tunnel roof be only large sections of movable blocks that fall through when jumped on, hit, or activated by a switch of some sort? This can also add suspense for the human players as the infected can fall with the blocks inevitably causing chaos and confusion.

      regarding this coment you made, how might i be able to make a cieling that caves in without using pallets? Not to mention that zombies have to make it fall not the humans.
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  • About

    Sep 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Gilbert, AZ
    Bearshark Prime


