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11y 34w ago
Feb 15, 2009
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Apr 9, 1992 (Age: 32)

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Ancient, from Jersey

Senior Member
iRaynne was last seen:
Jul 25, 2013
    1. What's A Scope?
    2. What's A Scope?
    3. What's A Scope?
    4. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      Thanks, gud sir.
    5. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      In response to your custom title.

      You can't stop me motherfucker, 'cause I'm on a boat!
    6. Agamer
    7. Pegasi
      Lol *cracks whip*. Kk dude, if you're down that is. Amercan should be online in like 10 mins I think so I'm gonna try and jump on then, just have to sort out this damn router.
    8. Pegasi
      Online nao!
    9. Playerhata27
      Congratulations man, I always knew you had it in you.
    10. Pegasi
      True dat. My other friend Dan is insane at guitar and getting in to recording in a big way, he's running Logic Pro right now, tis sick, but so confusing it's not true. Even he has no idea how to work some of the tools hidden deep inside that program :P.
    11. Pegasi
      Dude that sounds awesome. Back in my music lessons we didn't even get to use Garage Band, that came in a year or two after I finished. But Reason and stuff as well, I used to play with that occasionally at my musical recording friend's house, lotsa fun.
    12. Pegasi
      Not bad at all, finally offloading my old tired windows laptop for a little cash so I'm happy. Yourself?
    13. halo kid
      halo kid
      con gratz on loyal!
    14. RaBBiiTTT
      congrats on turning into the FH Barney!
      jk man.
    15. Chron
      Hello there just thought I'd say congratulations on getting Loyal.

      = ]
    16. Zanitor
      Needs more active on HaloCrossing. >_>
    17. Pegasi
      It's weird, we didn't see the same Hysteria that we did at Meadowlands. Back then he was talking smack and making that plain in game as well, people said that SK needed to reign him in a little. I dunno, but it could be that he's done this, and maybe it has negative ramifications on tD's aggression as a whole.

      But I think the most important thing is that we're talking about being beaten by Str8 Rippin here. Now tD are undeniably the second best team in the game right now for me, Instinct are good but tD are consistently better, Instinct losing out to Classic and FB making their status as a new force clear making that more than apparent. But Str8 are just the best team to my mind, no question. Meadows was a blip for them, not good circumstances. But they came back from it stronger, and losing to them is no fault to tD.
    18. Pegasi
      Yeah man, Str8 took it like I hoped they would. T2 is a cocky sod, but he's right when he says that they're the best team around.
    19. Pegasi
      Nah dude, you got it on your own. There were a lot of people speaking up for you. Enjoy the purpz though dude :P.
    20. Psycho
      Hey congrats on Loyal Raynne! :)