Okay, you can post the maps final product if you like it :P And you can't move anything what so ever, you can how ever move the unlimited budget glitch objects :P
boah, I have the universe on lease, if God ****s up, I revoke it... you best fear me...this is just a trivial game I play with foolish mortals during commercials between segments of "So Whats Going on In Nebula 241-Z?"
well you're going to die either way... and the chicken-powered thing...well...I'm grinding the chickens up into a highly flammable paste...soooo ill get there quite quickly as for star wars.. I've got darth vader beeyotch...BRING IT ON furthermore, theres a giant fantasmagorical mirror on the top of my aeroship, sooo the laser will just deflect and destroy itself...problem solved
NOOOOOO...how heartless of you, they were your men...and you damned them to rot in Hell...thats right HELL I'm coming to get you pegasi, and you can't do anything but wait... I'll be there in approximately one year, after my chicken-based engine is complete for my new aeroplane
stephen hawking cant eat without assistance...and neither can you if i put the pickles on the top shelf and your rocket legs are a bit unstable for in-home navigation, so enjoy helplessness... furthermore, I had the frenchmen henchmen kill your family last night, so...have fun in isolation MUAHAHAHAHAHA
You'll now be known as Legless Joe the Bri'ish Pirate... MUAHAHAHA now your cheese eating surrender monkeys will follow me...Sarge, the One with Legs
I thought the ten dollar sucky sucky straw was named "lips"...but i guess im mistaken anywho, I'm too tired for this too continue...goodnight good sir
I'm so confused...how did you fashion a sword out of a coke ca....waiit...YOU DRUGGED ME...how dare you...no wonder those people were purple and had tree limbs growing from their orifices...you shall die at my...ummm...sw..no...ummm...STRAW!!! thats right...my straw