I tried interning for io9.com but they never got back to me. :C It's really a matter of having stuff done, if not having a portfolio, having a resume (and getting a resume is half luck since getting internships require either A a resume or B a portfolio) So rather than retrying to intern and failing due to lack of "actual experience" I'm just building up a portfolio to show I know what I'm doing.
Then tumblr is the way to go. An thanks, but the incentive to make one isn't there until I have enough content and/or popularity to merit one.
It's alright. If you want your stuff to get popular I wouldn't use tumblr if I were you, I'd just start a site. I'm doing it just to collect my content, which tumblr is good for.
I know how you feel, I've been in my colleeg gor about a month and a half now and loving it :D If you need help let me know. (:
Very much so. Although I find "thing = thing" therefore "thing = thing" simplifications annoying. It's funny, they admit that some bible stories are metaphorical and didn't happen to save themselves from it's inaccuracy, but then they claim it's perfect and base all their beliefs of it. Either you believe the entire bible or admit that "maybe it's made up".
I'm planning to write stuff for a living I guess, more critical stuff than anything literary, although I might try and get some of my thoughts written down and put together later in life if I'm in a comfortable enough position. Thanks for the kind words though dude, and nice profile pic, Reach should be epic.