Okay then... I'll help North Korea out a little. Just change up who you are supporting every once in awhile, we don't need to draw to much attention to ourselves.
Yes... Also, Build up China! Don't draw to much attention to Japan and help out N. Korea or China. Doesn't matter.
I'm not sure anymore... I think we are since PureCarnage is the leader. So, don't attack them yet. I guess she rebelled against the leader and got her own thing going on. Take out Germany as fast as you can! She's going to bed now!
General RadiantRain has formally declared war on Japan. Continue attacking Germany as is but be warned of her; she may have found allies with other countries.
Back again... Let's see I'm helping rebuild The United Kingdom while at the same time attacking Germany. I also just love how just about every person in the thread has a country they are representing by setting the country's flag as their Avatar.
Don't attack the French... They are on our side along with General RadiantRain and General PureCarnage. We are attacking our common enemy now; Germany.
The UK, Japan, and Russia team up and attack France! You guys up for it. I can probably get radiant to join!
What shall we do General Shihuru? I guess I will have to start asking the help of the countries in the alliance to aid.
I know! As soon as we became a super power in the war everyone is fearful and starts attacking. If Japan shall fall in battle we must move on to another Asian country as a leader. You thinking we should move on to China if that time comes around?