penguin asassin
Last Activity:
Nov 26, 2009 at 12:37 AM
Jun 10, 2008
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Jun 21, 1994 (Age: 30)
wherever there are penguins to <3
student, penguin obsessed dude

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penguin asassin

Ancient, from wherever there are penguins to <3

Senior Member
penguin asassin was last seen:
Nov 26, 2009
    1. thepenguinod
      penguins unite
    2. Something.
      Because I wanted the armoury left open for resupply, just not for camping in.

      You use up full BR/SMG ammo in under a minute in this game.
    3. Gunnergrunt
      I'll invite you to play it next time i get test it!
    4. Gunnergrunt
      Hey thanks for the comment! I'll consider those mongooses ^.^
      My next project you ask? Its a mini-game! Its called Battle Bots. Two teams customize a robot and battle em out in a booby trapped area! Its really quite amazing, so you should come test it out soon!
    5. Gunnergrunt
      Hey Penguin, I just posted Granite Basin. You were once of my testers so i thought i'd let you know. Hope to get one of your coveted reviews!
    6. Something.
      I feel like an idiot for not making the Uncle Larry/ you connection.
    7. Gunnergrunt
      Thanks for the vote! ^.^
    8. Gunnergrunt
      Hey man, from your comments on my map Gold Rush, you really seemed to like it! is having a conquest contest and Gold Rush is only one behind in the voting. The vote ends tonight, wanna help me win this thing? Just click the link, and vote in the poll! Thanks a ton =)
    9. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      o shi- wrong name sorry
    10. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      Is their any way that you could change my names so it has spaces in between all the words? No problem if you can't but if you can I would really appreciate it.
    11. XxSpix
      Just quote my post like you would normally reply, and copy/paste it into your siggy
    12. Conkerkid11
      You saw my reply to your post in my Castle Crashers thread, right?
    13. Conkerkid11
      I'm not really worried about your post. I'm worried about What's a scope's review on my map. Considering it got an 8/10 is pretty impessive. But in many cases, he graded it down for either no reason, or for something that has been changed. Such as the map being breakable. I understand he spent a long time on his review, but if he had just read the post like so many people have failed to do, he would have realized it says the defenders cannot escape.
    14. Conkerkid11
      Mini game map? I don't know about that.. I'll wait and see what other people have to say about it. As soon as people start to take interest of this map, and I start to notice more and more people asking me to put it in the mini game section. I'll do it. Of course, that is if this map gets noticed. Most Sandbox maps don't, due to the large amount of spam posts provided to us by the noobs who can't get pictures in a post.
    15. Conkerkid11
      I was going to change that, but in heart, it was meant to be a conquest map. The gametype is even labeled "Castle Conquest." I have decided against changing it..
    16. Conkerkid11
      Lulz at that, I really need to changed that. Yeah, a moderator changed the map from conquest to Sandbox recently. Doesn't that make you feel silly!?
    17. Conkerkid11
      Castle Crashers isn't a conquest map. It does not work with Conquest v4, otherwise there wouldn't be one-sided territories, and there would be 3 rounds, giving one team the advantage.
    18. TripleO8
    19. chrstphrbrnnn
      We haven't one yet, township is a fine map and it is giving us a run for our money. I was just curious, as you had left us an awesome reply. Manifest can always use improvements, and we were both curious if there was a flaw that you found that had you change your mind. I do not at all wish you to change your vote. It is yours to decide. Thanks for your feedback.
    20. chrstphrbrnnn
      Out of curiousity, what made you change your mind?
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  • About

    Jun 21, 1994 (Age: 30)
    wherever there are penguins to <3
    student, penguin obsessed dude
    DBF penguin
    totally obsessed with penguins,....and forgehub
    people ask me "why do you like penguins?" I tell them "the reason i like penguins is because they saved my life. Once when i was 3 years old i drunk a super cold icee at target and my brain froze! and you know how little people run your brain? well they all froze to death and little penguins moved in and now control my brain and survive off epic win sauce

    penguins, and videogames


    penguins can be stealthy too!