Not as far as I know. I would just build support around them, and tell the stuff interlocked with it not to spawn at start. That's all you can do really, but it's worth it in the end.
You say it as American, but I spell it Amercan. It's kind of annoying when people call me Amer-can... Piseeco. ;)
Hey, I just read you guide (nice job) but I still don't fully understand how exactly you do it. I understand the concept, just not the execution. Could you show me in game sometime?
Good idea, it might just be temporarily frozen due to the server disconnecting. I've downloaded hugeass and a greenscreen map. I haven't played hugeass yet, but greenscreen will come in handy.
It's okay now, thanks for the idea of running as admin (it worked lol) Although I have to Ctrl+Alt+Del my way out of games because it freezes in internet games when I quit.
The only thing that sucks with Far Cry is that there's always one person who has EVERYTHING unlocked. The best of everything. And they are quite literally the best. Nothing stock is better than the best upgrades. That's what sucked in Battlefield, and it's what sucks in FC2.
Heh, thanks. I actually really like some of the layout options that you came up with, so I may feel compelled to use it sometime in the future.
Just wondering, are you gonna make a v2 of Sovah? If so, I would be glad to help if you need anything done. :P