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May 23, 2011 at 9:42 PM
Jan 4, 2009
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Ancient, from Lebanon, TN

Senior Member
mrcleanup was last seen:
May 23, 2011
    1. Silva Sniper
      Silva Sniper
      XSn1p3 X0utX
    2. chung_wii
      you weren't on at 10 on Sunday... I'll be on today i think. I tested some maps and turned filters off on others. And I tried putting tele's and grav lifts on the destinations, but the grav lifts were pushing each other and one would always go flying off. So i'll still work on it. just get on today around 4-6
    3. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Link me to the group and tell me what you'd like it renamed to.
    4. Silva Sniper
      Silva Sniper
      I am going to send u a friend request on live soon.K?
    5. chung_wii
      hey, Can you post requirments for a race track to make it onto our racing list? once you do i'll make a machiniam explaining the rules... is that k w/ you?
    6. Silva Sniper
      Silva Sniper

      XSn1p3 X0utX quote " See you at the finish line!"
    7. FLW Switch
      FLW Switch
      yeah i have found some amazing ones here are a couple of links to some with vids

      Halo 3 Sandbox Racetrack :: Rogue Shaddo :: Berry Bliss
      YouTube - Halo 3 Sandbox Racetrack :: Rogue Shaddo :: Berry Bliss

      Insane Halo 3 Sandbox Racetrack - "Surge"
      YouTube - Insane Halo 3 Sandbox Racetrack - "Surge"

      Halo 3 Track - Fail Sands International
      YouTube - Halo 3 Track - Fail Sands International

      the last one is amazingly forged and the aesthetics are even more spectacular
    8. Kidbomber
      looks nice though i dont like thats its kinda low quality.
    9. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      Ask Shock Theta.
    10. chung_wii
      hey, I fixed the maps with filter effects, It was hard finding them on a few maps. And I have located a few maps that need the destination points fixed. I will be on on sunday. not 2day though, sorry.
    11. trainboy
      hey works for me the ones you can eliminate now, means less we have to do with later on tonight.
    12. chung_wii
      I don't think i can be on at 7 today, Because I have a bunch of graduation ceremony's to go to, and Then we have to go to church at 6:30, but I think i can be at the one on sunday. Sorry about 2day man...
    13. Psycho
      It's not just the forums, it's so you don't get infracted.
    14. trainboy
      I got a Forge Tracks taping to tomarrow at 7pm EST so it will be sometime after 7
    15. Psycho
      Eh, I don't really know. Just don't spam the same message over and over. Glad you know what you did wrong now. :)
    16. trainboy
      I like the lineup of tracks so far. Going to be a great season.
    17. chung_wii
      I saw them and I was impressed with the number of tracks that you have found and set up. My gt is chung wii. Please add me and we'll go through the tracks. I don't mind helping.
    18. Psycho
      You're spamming the forums. Just send a PM to the user to notify them.
    19. jpitty
      If it was something other than racing I would probably join. Race maps are probably my least favorite.
    20. Kidbomber
      I joined, however i dont know how active ill be.
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    Rural Letter Carrier
    TheMr Cleanup14
    halo golf bowling movies

