Pixie Dust
Last Activity:
Aug 2, 2011 at 2:57 PM
Mar 16, 2009
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Pixie Dust

Ancient, from Texas

Senior Member
Pixie Dust was last seen:
Aug 2, 2011
    1. Mr Garfunkle
      Mr Garfunkle
      Map need more truck!
      What the hell lol
    2. Yevah
      ha well dude i finally posted it, sonnielion its done, I posted it and gave you lots of credit for helping you should check it out.
    3. Yevah
      really? i thought it was complicated since i am not to good with the sandbox items, as you can tell im still stuck on foundry
    4. Yevah
      ha dude im going to do it, i was just asking because since its been deleted, I was wondering since i have to start over if you wanted to callobrate it, since i know that you busy making your map pack but if you have time we could do it together so it will get done faster.
    5. Yevah
      hey dude you know how ive been working on my foundry map, well ive also been working on that sketchup you gave me, and its been really fun and I'm about 85% done with it but i was letting my lil bro forge a race track on sandbox and he deleted it because when he went to go save it, i had to many maps, so he deleted mine, so its going to take me a while because i gotta finish my foundry map, which you know its in the testing stage, and than I've gotta restart, so it will be a while until its finsihed.
    6. JEEF
      no thank u woman, brittany dust
    7. DDjusD
      ha that pic is awesome, its on my friends myspace now
    8. JEEF
      You will respect me!
    9. Yevah
      im not finished yet, its a hard project, and challenging im woking on it tough
    10. DDjusD
      what did you put as your sig to make a mod change it to an awesomely funny bunny picture
    11. Ladnil
      I really don't think I can complete your map...

      The parts where you've got a red/blue column geomerged are fine, and they're completed. Its the other corners where you have a ramp, large geomerged that I cannot do. In fact nobody can, your design calls for the teardrop from the staircase to be in the exact corner of the Crypt. I very stongly doubt that anyone can forge it there, as no teardropping can do it, and doing it with the normal geomerge method requires a precision I do not think is possible.

      I can finish it if you're OK with me using wedge, huge in place of the geomerged ramp though. It would break the two object theme of your sketchup design, but it would keep the function of the map and I could build it. Alternately, I could use columns to maintain the two-object theme, but it would break the aesthetic appeal of using ramps there.
    12. kilamanjara14izback
      Hey, I have this one map started on sketchup but can't think of anything to add to it and it really looks nice so I was wondering if you wanted to finish it or something. It is a competitive map incase you wanted to know. Just give me a visitor message if you want it plus you might wanna tell me how to give the map to you because I have no idea how to do it...
    13. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      check it out Blockout Video - Halo 3 Game - MLG Game Room
    14. Ladnil
      Just wanted to give you an update and an apology on forging your sketchup.... I haven't gotten started on the map, due to an accounting midterm last week and then my friend being in from out of town all weekend. When I've got some free time by myself to forge, that's when I'll get this thing hammered out. As I said before, I don't think it'll take me too long once I actually get started.
    15. Arvas
      could i talk with you on live if you are goin to do the sketch up?
    16. Yevah
      so have you got everything added up?
    17. Yevah
      Wait so ur saying that you are going to tell me the budget and item use? If so thanks dude!!!!
    18. Yevah
      ok just message me when u get it
    19. Yevah
      its ok, so it will be done though in about 10 minutes?
    20. Yevah
      what will be easier to look at when forging? cause i cant load up sketchup so probalby just the pics right?
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  • About

    Pixie Dustttt
    Im new to forging so please dont judge my masterpieces like a pro. ;) Im currently working on a MLG map in the crypt that alot of people really like and i will soon post the beta up on the forums so I can see what you think about it too. =]

    Forging, competive gaming, football, baseball, and of coure bitching out bungie! =]


    My Maps: Ascending- Remake of halo 2's Ascension ​