Color code = 999999 for this color, try this for your backround. Try just black for text, color code = 000000.
I like the backround image, but you've got to change the backround color and text color, it's depressing. You're a sig dude, you'll think of something! :)
hey man just read your thread on how to add fonts to the gimp. go to the same menu and i know my fonts are good elsewhere like notepad. but whenever i click that refresh button at the bottom of the list of fonts it gives me an error. tried it 3x and it wont let me. any idea why? =/
name: Djayjared main picture: VVV *main colours: Somethine like this - *quote: I pwn you! *font: Coolish Technoish. *size: Youtube background size. So you want this to be a youtube background? And im not sure what youtube background size is.
"Hell yeah! I have this sense, that i have to get ck to see you post something. ya know?" Alby, you know I love you, but I have no idea at all what you just said, really.
Don't forget to welcome me... this is the first thread i ever made.