Last Activity:
Dec 31, 2009 at 11:57 AM
May 15, 2009
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Senior Member
Gnarleywalnutt was last seen:
Dec 31, 2009
    1. pinohkio
      hey, i cant work on it today, my friend borrowed my halo 3, i can work on it saturday tho. if its still ok.
    2. pinohkio
      ok but for sum reaon my live is down so i guess i could finish my map today and work on yours tomorrow if you get it up by then.
    3. pinohkio
      alright but could you posts it as soon as possible? i dont have a job yet and im bored to death right now.
    4. pinohkio
      ok, do you mind if i go off and make an asemmetrical objective versions, and if you get around to it, you could make it in your own vision. not that im being lazy, ii just find it hard to copoy someone else's design. ill look at it tho and gove it a try.
    5. Gnarleywalnutt
      I really don't know when I will end up ever being done with that map. I'm taking a break from Halo right now and I won't be home most of the summer. I'll post the map on the file share and you can work on it a bit if you want, just give me some credit for it. I'm going for a mostly symmetrical layout of a map. The more made up part of the map, the one with the wooden base you'll know which one it is, is the part of the map that I will be copying over to the other side. Have fun. I'll also put some of my other map layouts if you want to work on that too.
    6. pinohkio
      err about testing, if you could wait untill after june 2nd that'd be great. i got banned XD so yeah.
    7. Lagzors Production
      Lagzors Production
      Hey I just got the Red ring. I won't be online for probably 2 weeks to a month. But once i'm back if i can i'll test it out and make a vid since i just got a capture card.
    8. pinohkio
      i could help aswell, GT pinohkio
    9. Lagzors Production
      Lagzors Production
      OK. I added you.
    10. Lagzors Production
      Lagzors Production
      Hey I'll help you test your map. MY GT is BR 1nstinc7
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    Looking for help on making map. At the moment I'm stuck and looking for help. I have a good idea and layout for the map and would like to work on it with someone else. Message me if you are interested.