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Aug 20, 2012 at 6:30 PM
Jul 13, 2008
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tylyr1 was last seen:
Aug 20, 2012
    1. DC
      Hey, i looked at your glitch montage, and i saw that hog melee and i luaghed my ass off. How did you do that?
    2. Estmid
      Yeah, i guess you do need a beginners puzzle. Just wanted to tell you that I recently beat your Operation-Co puzzle after like a week of figuring it out. God i tell you it was harder then.... Well... it was hard. Keep of forging man! :D
    3. Pegasi
      Funny, that looked like you were talking to me. But that couldn't have been the case now could it?
    4. Pegasi
      You just made me laugh for the first time today, thank you dude. Do what you want, the very fact that you think I care if you talk to me or not makes me more cheerful just for it's hilarity. Quite frankly, I thank you for at least creating the illusion that you have ceased to exist, for my purposes any way. I honestly could not be happier.
    5. Pegasi
      Can you not read? I think I made my point rather clear in my last comment. If you persist in this attitude then I'd actually advise you leave telling people how to do these glitches as long as possible, because your frankly so annoying that, once you do tell, no one's going to have a reason to even talk to you. Other options include the fan favourite, growing the hell up, or the good ol' GTFO.
    6. Pegasi
      I am merely trying to make the point that your attitude is neither helpful nor does it offer a good impression of you to others.
    7. Pegasi
      No you little upstart, you don't understand. I couldn't care less how you do your stupid little tricks, I enjoy actually playing Halo and not assing about trying to make myself look cool to others. What I take issue with is this 'you have to wait' attitude. If you're going to make the tutorials for others in a month or so, why not do it now? Although the answer is quite clear to my mind, you like the attention and don't get it any other way. Stop being a retard and start actually reading my comments before responding.
    8. Plasma Napkin
      Plasma Napkin
      D: Could you just tell me how you did the armor change? Im am very interested in that one, but I can not download the filmclip for some unknown reason...
    9. Plasma Napkin
      Plasma Napkin
      wow sorry that your thread got locked just because there are some quite close-minded people on FH. I think if I was you, I would not show them a tutorial at all.

      For me, I know that most of those were real, and I dont think that the ones I dont know were not. Good job on the video. Just be prepared that people will always flaming for what they do not understand. I had the same thing with some pictures I drew with MS paint.
      a)They were done with photoshop
      b)They were stolen
      c)Just pictures from a film clip

      (Your glitch montage could have included the useless bubble shield btw)
      W/e. you got my attention. Any idea when youll release the tut (will you?)?
    10. mavrick145
      sup, BTW i just found a **** load of tuts for your unexplained video on youtube.
      nice job with the sarkatholon
    11. Pegasi
      Oh my god, you're right! Now that you mention it, this all stems from immense jealousy! Gee, I sure wish that I was an self-ego boosting no name who's only way of attempting to gain popularity or recognition was to post an unexplained video and revel in the delight of keeping this oh so important details secret.

      Whatever will I do?
    12. Pegasi
      Ok fine, I suppose there's no helping people who choose to act the way you are right now. I hope your inflated ego keeps you company when all the real people have gotten sick of your attitude.
    13. Pegasi
      I'm gonna ask straight out, and please just give an honest answer. Why do you feel you have to hold out on this glitch video thing? I personally couldn't care less how it's done, but if you know how to do something which could help others even in a small way, what are you gaining by being so secretive like this?
    14. penguin asassin
      penguin asassin
      grats on reconz!
    15. EpicFishFingers
      So now that you have recon is it good or bad? Are you wearing the full set or only certain parts so you don't get too many FRs per MM game?
    16. Silent oo death
      Silent oo death
      congrats on beating that course. I'm proud of you lol
    17. Conkerkid11
      Sadface... I bet you're really excited! Congrats by the way on Recon armor. That run was so much different than the one in second place. Even though the contest is over, I'm going to try out the run the same way you did it. Just to see if I had a chance. I didn't see how you could have improved in any way.
    18. Conkerkid11
      So did Sark carry the 360 to you? Or did you recieve it in the mail?
    19. Pegasi
      I saw some of your video, it was pretty sick. Congrats dude, you clearly earned it.
    20. Playerhata27
      Obligatory congratulations on winning the Sark challenge, or interpret this is some sucking up recognition now you're a celebrity lol. Enjoy the rewards man, you deserve them.
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