Awkward Silence
Last Activity:
Oct 18, 2020 at 8:38 PM
Jan 17, 2008
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Awkward Silence

Ancient, Male

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Awkward Silence was last seen:
Oct 18, 2020
    1. xSharpshooter94
    2. Conkerkid11
      ****! You're right. How the hell did I manage to spell "Searing" wrong? I wonder if I can remove it from my File Share and place it in again.
    3. Aesthetic Forger
      Aesthetic Forger
      Sorry i couldn't get back to you sooner, i just got back from a two week vacation. In my opinion i think Lunar Warrior has the best chance. Goodluck!
    4. AceOfSpades
    5. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      Of course you can (:
      I don't get you ? :S
      I like the third one the best (:
    6. Agamer
      I like them all.
    7. AceOfSpades
      I will probably still be on at 10:30 so you could help test with the stragglers/different people... I'll sign you up for later.
    8. AceOfSpades
      Test Tetradymite
    9. Canadians360
      Well I'll fix it but that map is at least a month and a half old I don't think the changes will be noticed but propper spelling was never my thing. Then again it's gotta be better than at least half the people here at forgehub. I want my post to be propper like my map so I'll go in and fix it. Good looking out.
    10. Canadians360
      sounds awsome can't wait to see what your ingenious method is.
    11. AceOfSpades
      Tetradymite PREVIEW
    12. xSharpshooter94
    13. xSharpshooter94
    14. xSharpshooter94
      10:30 on a school night.... your funny
    15. xSharpshooter94
    16. Canadians360
      Hey no problem. I also found that this technique can be used to add more percision to geomerging now that you can use braces outside the map and in. Ill probably create a forging 101 thread on it.

      PS: Id like to see it when your done and now I have to try and see if the mancanon bases reappear after putting them back in the map if not a blue fireball would make a sweet aesthetic peace.
    17. Canadians360
      Did you get those films I sent you over live for the mancanons out of the map?
    18. Canadians360
      I found an easier way to do it and have finished my own quick version could you just friend my tag same as FH account so I could send a vid it would be alot easier to explain but now you know it works and the mancanon bases actualy disapear leaving a blue fire ball look, awsome glitch.
    19. Canadians360
      I took a stab at making that canon I helped you out with earlier unfortunately I found that to get objects outside the map I had to geomerge them halfway through then escape the map then grab them from theoutside and even then the canons would lag back in 90% of the time. Basically I got one out and in place and then gave up since I knew it was possible and you were gonna make one. So if you couldn't create the canons out of the map I thought I'd tell you how to get them out there. Good luck man you'll need it.
    20. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
      If you liked my map "Prometheus," then you're going to love Gatekeeper. It has been reworked from it's original design of Promtheus and has undergone many changes. See it for yourself...

      Gatekeeper v1.1
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