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Ancient, from Brookfield, CT

Senior Member
Canadians360 was last seen:
Jul 10, 2011
    1. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Little leage is like community hockey. So, guessing by your last sentence, you're in a little league.
    2. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      ... He plays for the Canadians? Oh wait, Little league Hockey?
    3. Awkward Silence
      Awkward Silence
      Not to be a Grammar **** (which I am), but you spelled "bases" wrong like eight times in your Tetra Junction post. It's not "basses," it's "bases." Just a heads-up.
    4. TailsIce44
      Sweet Thanks Man
    5. jpitty
      Whenever you're down and I'm online just shoot me an invite.
    6. jpitty
      Oh I didn't mean to sound like the laser would be a good idea, I meant to sound like it would be aweful because it wuld resemble Standoff even more, which is a terrible map, to me anyways. I see what your saying about the ground route being useless, but that also cancels out the use of vehicles if you take the high route, thus your more open, but it would have to be tested, like you said. If your online right now I can shoot some ideas your way that you can juggle with.
    7. Awkward Silence
      Awkward Silence
      The Crypt Cannon is coming along nicely. It's functional, and by that I mean it shoots people up the Chute perfectly... but if someone falls in the Crypt Chute from the Main Level, they get stuck. However, I do know how to fix that, and I've just figured out an ingenious way for people to land once they are actually on the Main Level of Sandbox. I just thought I'd give you a little status update. Thanks again for all your help.
    8. Jorgy411
      lol nice thread!

      i'll post more after i'm done testing these maps. ;)
    9. JIF or PNUT
      JIF or PNUT
      I won't, Thanks for the reminder, I have them in my phone to alert me a few minutes before they start.
    10. SargeantSarcasm
    11. Runic Aries
      Runic Aries
      Already know how, but thankyou anyways.
    12. Runic Aries
      Runic Aries
      Lol, not quite, I've actually geomerged very little into my map, the majorty of my time has been trial and error trying to get Large corner peices to sink slightly into the ground and sand, while being next to eachother the way they are in default sandbox. I wish it were something more impressive like Utah Mambo's geomerging, but most of the time has just been trying to nudge it closer and closer to the other object without having it slingshot across the map when it comes out.
    13. Awkward Silence
      Awkward Silence
      Hey, I just watched those two film clips you sent me. I'm in the process of making the cannon, and it's working out great so far. You rock. :)
    14. Crymzen
      thanks man i apreciate the help
    15. Crymzen
      thanks for the comment on my page..the link says page cant be found when i click it but thanks for the thought anyways..ill use search abr see if i can find what u was tryna show me
    16. Dow
      I know dude. Thats what Im trying to say. This site is about halo 3, I wish they would just take all their religion stuff somewhere else :(
    17. Dow
      Im not mad dude, I was just saying. and when I was typing it there was no other post.
    18. Dow
      If you are going to help somebody, atleast provde them a link to the proper place.
    19. Nutekiller
      dude im a unsc graduate!!!!! yay!
    20. Pel
      Sounds good. I'll see you on Sunday!