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May 8, 2020 at 4:31 PM
Sep 13, 2008
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Ancient, from Somewhere in Neverland

Senior Member
Dow was last seen:
May 8, 2020
    1. Pegasi
      Ok: Classic Rock (Deep Purple etc.), Blues, Country, Jazz, Funk, Soul, some things that could very well be called Pop from various times as far back as the 30's, Drum n Bass, Dub Step, pretty much anything electronic with enough Bass. And lots of other stuff I can't think of right now. I'd give you a list of bands/artists but I doubt it would fit in the character limit :P.
    2. What's A Scope?
    3. iTz Fuzzywig
      iTz Fuzzywig
      I am so srry =] I am just braindead summtimes
    4. What's A Scope?
    5. Ix Massacre xxI
      Ix Massacre xxI
      Who is your avatar. I also want large version
    6. Penguinish
      I require the large version of your avatar.
    7. EpicFishFingers
      Lol @ post below.

      Seriously tho, when did your avatar get sxc?
    8. Norlinsky
      I require the large version of your avatar.
    9. Norlinsky
      I require the large version of your avatar.
    10. pinkyandthesheep
      Haha thanks
      you too.
    11. Killtacullar
      Thats a good point, and I don't know where to get a killtacular medal to be put into my gamer pic. But it will show too much out of my profile. Talk to you some other time.
    12. Arbacca
      haha yea, but i'm not sure if he'll take it because of the edit
      but then again he never actually said anything...
    13. R0FLninja
      LOL , Dow, did you take that pic for ur sig?

      if so, u r lucky as **** :frustrated:
    14. heyheyhey
      i'll have to look into that then and make sure it doesn't happen again.
    15. Prosper
      1. Those were not biblical Christians

      2.The majority belief is "I don't care." Many claim to be Christians, then go off and hit someone 5min later, it's just lip service, no Jesus devotion. Jesus said, "few will find the path to life." 2billion ain't a few, so there are definitely liars out there.

      3.People in Asia are friendly, that has nothing to do with moral, you could be a friendly wonderful person to be around, but that doesn't mean you are moral.

      4. I never said you couldn't have moral, I said if you did it would have to subjective, like, no definite rule book of right and wrong, meaning it can very from person to person.
    16. Canadians360
      Well I dont see a problem with off topic. I just think its funny that they would play halo. Im kind of in the middle. Not a believer and not some anti religious preacher. I'm middle ground I dont really get into these debates since people get so worked up over them and its impossible for both sides to ever agree since they're such total opposites.
    17. Canadians360
      Sorry I should have put a comma in their I was apologising then meant to say it took me a second its fine i didnt think you were mad at me.

      BTW: Your statements against some religeos stuff really draw out some funny people. Who thought people so devoted to religion and holy worship would play halo 3.
    18. Canadians360
      I was just getting it sorry it took me a second you didnt need to post again either way just PM him like I said in my post dont bump the thread. Just relax I know how to help people.
    19. Doomsday
      Hot chick in your sig.
    20. Prosper
      Don't group all of theism together, biblical Christianity has NEVER invoked violence, other religions like Islam and Catholicism have, but not biblical Christianity.

      And what standard are you using to define violence as bad, I have a standard by which I can make judgments, you just judge by your feelings. Atheism says there is no God, God is the only way for there to be objective moral, atheists AND theists agree on that. This makes your judgment subjective, and makes an opinion. This means I don't care! W00T for Christians!
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    He thought it was safe. He died. Injecting marijuanas; not even once.