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Dec 18, 2010 at 2:50 AM
Apr 19, 2009
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Senior Member
Ethrock was last seen:
Dec 18, 2010
    1. MASTER016
      u need to chill i never said i wouldnt download ,but there would be no point because i wouldnt be able to see ur map for about two weeks because i am on vacation with a gay dislocated ankle ,i didnt want to post on ur map thread because i didnt want people thinking it was bad just because i looked only at screen shots so u should be happy i didnt say anything in ur thread but i will try to point out ur thread a little more by rating it 5 star
    2. MASTER016
      i feel bad nobody gave u feedback on ur map so what i think of grinderv2 is it looks like u ran out of ideas and placed out barrels ,pallets and fusion coils and people dont like teleporters usually because it leads to alot of problems
    3. AceOfSpades
    4. AceOfSpades
      Test Tetradymite
    5. AceOfSpades
      Tetradymite PREVIEW
      i am looking for a person that does H3F HALO 3 MOVIE COMPETION i have so great clip but i don't have that kind of skill to make a montage if u can help me or find somebody i would be thankful
      my gamertag is
      or just write me bacK
    7. thesilencebroken
      thats true, it wasnt quite verbal.

      thank you for following the rules. :]
    8. thesilencebroken
      i will give you one verbal warning, and next time its an infraction.

      Do NOT delete your posts and repost to bump your thread. We can see the deleted post still, and that is against the rules.
    9. iRaynne
      Hey man, I see you're pretty active on the forums and you have some great posts in there. Hook a brother up with an accepted friend request!
      Gorillaz FTW Insane, FTW :D
    10. Insane54
      Wow. I was about to tell you how great your post was in the Introduction thread (I haven't looked at your other posts but I assume their also well thought out), but Peg got here first 9 hours earlier. I was going to say pretty much exactly what Peg said, even with the sig stuff....other than the Gorillaz part. Gorillaz FTL ;D

      Great job and hope to see you around lots more on the forums, man.
    11. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Ok, I know all the stuff you posted in that thread, but what I want to know is how did you know it all.

      Did you like memorize it all
    12. Pegasi
      In response to your comment on that intro thread: It shows, it really does, there are so many members who have been here 10 times as long as you who don't do stuff like that, so thank you personally.

      One thing I just noticed though, your sig is pretty big. I'm pretty sure it's technically larger than the rules allow (around 200 pixels high for the image plus minimal text underneath). I'd advise either scaling the image down somewhat or trying to compress the height of the text somewhat to shrink the overall sig size down a little, just so you don't incur the wrath of the sig police, lol. But, that said, awesome sig dude. I'm a massive Gorillaz fan, can't get enough of Demon Days, and I just hope they do end up releasing another album sometime in the future.
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    Current Projects: Unnamed Map - 10% -CSS Bomb - 50%
    Maps: Grinder V2.0 - Sky Wars - Tunnels V2.0
    Game Types: Snipers vs Shotguns v1.0