Hey! You thought you could take full credit for Falcon Cougars and I wouldn't notice!? Anc YOU KNOE if it wasn't for my Thunderrcougarfalconbirds, there would be no Falcon Cougars! Show some credz, yo.
Hmmm..... sounds fun, ill attempt a dino since elites have to be all exact and what not. dont expect anything crazy, ill try something like an arm swing with shuffling or something ill make it color,.... or try =)
It's a fine line. Weapon switching is not going cause it to not be Conquest, but breaking the unilinear rule will. This post talks about that fine line. As for the label, don't call it Conquest if it isn't, but there is a certain degree of freedom for the forum user. Don't be surprised if a mod takes the label off because they felt it didn't belong, even if it's close.
I'm ignorant? You didn't even notice you posted a link that further proved my point. It's a spin-off, similar to the ones posted in the Book of Conquest...
Hey man, for the quality issue, right click on the signature, the HQ one. Then click properties, and copy the link URL. Go to your signature, hit the little mountain clip art button, then paste the URL.
Lol, surprisingly enough, the third one is also $200 cheaper...I'm kinda leaning towards that one, because the only real difference between the silver one and that one is that one has a 50's style neck, whilst the other has a 60's style neck. Thanks for your input!
That Speech you did in the Debates>God... Got my eyes teary, I don't know but I found that emotional...
Sure, if you include my name in some way or whatever.. go ahead. My GT is: sPaG3Tt1 5AwC3, I'll try them. :)
okay iwas gona be like.. waaaht? haha yah i kinda stopped now that im demon... and now the weathers nice.