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Jul 10, 2011 at 10:45 PM
Mar 29, 2009
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Ancient, from Brookfield, CT

Senior Member
Canadians360 was last seen:
Jul 10, 2011
    1. Callum
      hey man look at your post I figured out how to make the cage map escape PROOF seriously go know go go go.
    2. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
      Nope, just commenting will do and I very much appreciate it.
    3. the sbi elite
      the sbi elite
      haha sorry about that =( yah ill send hyperlinks from now on! tell me wat you think? and i couldnt add any carbines cuz i have to much items on map
    4. Awkward Silence
      Awkward Silence
      That would be nice; it's pretty ****in' confusing in words. That's not your fault, though. The process of Forge is... hard to describe.
    5. Awkward Silence
      Awkward Silence
      Soo... how do you merge the mancannons in order to grab them from outside the map for the crypt launcher?
    6. the sbi elite
      the sbi elite
      THank you greatly for your well written comment on my map "MLG SANCTUM" you provided me with some very good ideas! If this map keeps getting positive comments i will definetely use your ideas with the carbine and custom or overshield. If i do end up doing that i will be sure to update you with the latest version of this map. Once again, thanks a ton for your help :) tell me what you think of the gameplay sometime

      The SBI Elite
    7. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
      how, or what's the code
    8. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
      Thanks man, little things like that help out alot.
    9. STWOW
      I mostly was the other two people, but you still didn't mention that or anything about it playing well.
    10. redpox28
      all right. Ill start drawing up an other idea just in case.
    11. redpox28
      its not that far. Just one base is done. the other stuff is just there for ideas
    12. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
      The new version has been added along with an Arsenal Layout. Be sure to check it out!

      Gatekeeper v1.1
    13. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
      No big deal. I'm also looking for people to jump online with me here in about 20 mins to play it and test it out, send me a FR if your interested...
    14. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
      No i meant dust in the blood. It's a famous line from Rob Zombie. It's just a saying, not literal...
    15. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
      Gatekeeper. It's alot smoother, more balanced, and gameplay is more exciting and has more replay value. The way its' setup now also favors objective games more.
    16. redpox28
      Probably main, I have one started there if we want something to work off of, but we can start from scratch if you want
    17. The Mild One
      The Mild One
      hey It looks like you're going to have to post it because I have been swamped with work lately so I really can't do anything. Sorry!
    18. zackj191
      I see your on my page. I get in alot of arguments, but I intend them for fun, some people take them too far. I got 4 infraction points that day.
    19. redpox28
      yeah, I seriously do not know how the people who make racetracks have that kind of patience.
      How about a 1 bomb/1 Flag map?
    20. redpox28
      yeah. you got the gt right. yours is canadians360...were soooo original aren't we? Besides that, what kind of map should we make?
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  • About

    July 10
    Home Page:
    Brookfield, CT
    Camp Counciler
    Born in Canada living in the States.
    I like forging and have gotten fairly good at it. Little bumps in my maps drive me crazy. I'm always like to look at others maps as long as they are fun or well forged. My gamer tag is Canadians360. Hope everyone enjoys my maps please comment and rate.

    Randome Stuff, Sports with friends, Kickboxing, commputer proggraming, Halo 3, forging (duh), C O D
