I did indeed. I also got wasted tonight, went out again and got a lap dance from a male friend towards the end of the night o.O No, he isn't a sheep. xD
I know, I'm really really cool right? They were just live mixes on my DJing software, haha. I actually wish I saved some of them, the one we did near the end of the night was siiiiiiick xD
I'm not bad, I'm not bad at all! Took my Macbook Pro to a party last night and me and my friend got some mixes going, plugged it into the sound system :D
Not as much as myself! I hardly know how to use the thing! My cousin is giving me lessons, my uncle used to have Photoshop installed on his laptop until he deleted it/facepalm. :(
lolololololol, you're at school while I'm home listening to Eminem's new album. I'm so cool 'cos I have it a whole 6 days before it's released here xD
Yeah, loads of work! xDD It was a 6 hour exam. Similar to Art GCSE Exams really, you just spend the whole time sticking work on boards and touching up any final bits of your photos etc. I already had mine done so I got it done like half an hour early :D
Hahaha, nice one! Yeah, it was alright Got some work done and shizzzzzz I had my Photography exam earlier, I'm pretty sure I got a good grade :)
I bet you loved the amount of sheep, you must have practically came in your panties! Haha, have a good time? xD
**** you very much! I said it was my own fault, not Apple's :P I was playing Pool with Clare and I span round to change the track that was playing and it fell off of where I had it. It wasn't that high off the ground but it froze and when I restarted, it went straight into a little "ehhhh, I can't find your fecking HD mayte!" thing xD
My Macbook Pro had a Hard Drive failure -_- I'm not gonna be able to take any of those requests mate :/