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Apr 9, 1992 (Age: 32)

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Ancient, from Jersey

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iRaynne was last seen:
Jul 25, 2013
    1. Pegasi
      That looks friggin sweet dude, nice one. Can't wait to get some vids up on it.
    2. Pegasi
      I took one, but it was a crappy 48wpm or something. I make more mistakes when it's late at night like this, plus there was some punctuation in there that I never use which slows me down. I don't think it's anything high though, pretty much everyone I know types this fast.
    3. Pegasi
      If you do get a chance to get online then we're in need of players, hit me up. And sure thing about the videos, I'll upload them no trouble, shouldn't be a problem at all.
    4. Pegasi
      Sweet dude, cheers again for taking care of that. Hopefully these MLG games won't be too awful, have some semi-decent gameplay to go up on the channel on my part :P.
      Have you got any vids in the works currently? Pending completion of actual school work as with me lol.
    5. Pegasi
      I quite like PegasiRaynne, just because of the happy coincidence :P. Gets both our names out there, and is slightly reminiscent of chocolate rain, I'm so glad that people like Tay Zonday exist.
    6. Pegasi
      Lol, I know of that one too. I checked out his game records and he's been stuck at 49 for ages, he seems to be worked in to a trueskill rut where he can win several games in a row and not go up to 50, but then he doesn't go down easily either. He'll get there, and so will Sundance too, I know he's on a quest for a 50 as well.

      But yeah, classic Carbon were utter win, now with Gandhi and Karma off the roster I dunno if they'll ever be the same team again, but GHO57ayame and Shockwave are still great to watch, I hope they get settled on a good 3rd and 4th and stick with them.
    7. Pegasi
      I know what you mean, I've barely seen him play so have little idea of how good he is. but apparently Orange and Tz have both played with him in the past, and he's decent, so we'd better watch out. But honestly, Gandhi is gonna be the one I'm keeping an eye on. He was there during the golden age of Carbon, and those dudes were Final Boss slayers, I think I'd better keep look out for him in particular.
    8. Pegasi
      I dun have it open right now, but I do indeed like a bit of Skype now and again. I'm hamish.edmondson, add me and I'll be sure to accept next time I'm on (which should really be more often, Sarge badgers me about it all the time and it just ain't worth the hassle :P.)
    9. Pegasi
      Ah sweet, I forgot you had a capture card! Nice one dude, thanks. And they may be more comical than skillful, very likely so, but it should be fun nonetheless. I told my mate irl, Jack (RequestedDog, dunno if you remember him, the elite ho), and he's pretty damn jealous, we're big Puckett fans.
    10. Pegasi
      Well if this match doesn't go ahead tonight, which looks to be the case as of now, then people will probably be on and doing MLG customs anyway, I'll be sure to send you an invite, always good to have you on my side :P.
    11. Pegasi
      Lol, I know the feeling, I have my Shakespeare exam in 2 days, and I should be revising my ass off right now.

      But yeah, apparently we should be getting a game against the MLG guys at some point (Nexy, Puckett, Gandhi and Killa KC). We'll likely get utterly trounced, but it should still be fun, tis myself, Insane, Orangeremi and Tz, should be a blast. I'm gonna FS the vids and get them capped just for the lols, even if we get raped, I'll show you when they're done. But yeah, doesn't look like it's gonna be tonight after all, guess we'll have to wait to get walked all over :P.
    12. Pegasi
      Not bad, not bad. Should be getting online in a bit to play some customs with Insane, if he says there's a spot (you know what it's like with Insane in a party... lol), shall I hit you up?
    13. Pegasi
      Yo dude, what up with thee?
    14. Pegasi
      Yeah, I know what you mean. Kid can slay but has no idea about team mentality, communication, objective play, you name it. I dunno if he's around here, I think he may be. I saw that video of the 1v1 against Bun Eee he was talking about (dunno if you left before that came up), but yeah, not sure if he's on FH much, haven't seen him around in memory.
    15. Pegasi
      Nah it's cool dude, I know stuff comes up, I've had to bail from customs before as well. It was OK, we found another 4th in Phreakie, but man, UEG just wouldn't stop his whining or bashing how everyone else but him was playing, got pretty boring, and when Phreakie actually called him on it, it just turned in to an argument so that any actual callouts didn't have a hope of being heard. So yeah, I bailed on that one too. But I am up for more customs in general, any game of CTF in customs is better than a bunch of randoms.

      And my Mac Mini is still standard spec, it's my little Acer Aspire One netbook that I turned in to a Mac which I've been speccing up, and it's a real beast now :P.
    16. Pegasi
      Yeah, tis a lot faster now. Plus it actually streams video properly now, before it was really jumpy all the time when streaming pretty much anything, even playing videos wasn't great. But now it's all good, I already tried it out on and it works just right. Plus having WiFi now is just cool, having a tiny little laptop then having to plug ethernet in to get internet was kinda disappointing.
    17. Pegasi
      Lol, win.

      Oh, btw. I got WiFi working on my little Baby Mac finally, and added an extra gig of ram at the same time. Now she's a real beaut.
    18. Pegasi
      Nah man, sounds like something worth doing together, just means both of our videos are in one place, maximising views etc., and when we do work together on a vid it'll be in a logical place. Umm, dunno about a name though. If you wana do something with both our names in then I'm always just Peg, but I can't think of anything snappy right now. I'll keep thinking on it though.
    19. Pegasi
      Sounds like a plan, I'd say go for it. I'm not gonna have much content to put up myself until I get my cap card, which could be as late as august. But once I do I'll be pumping out vids like nobody's business, so yeah, sounds like something I'd be up for.
    20. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      No problem.
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  • About

    Apr 9, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Football, Soccer, Gaming, Partying, Chicks



    Never 4get