The Storm 59
Last Activity:
Aug 30, 2010 at 5:59 AM
Aug 12, 2008
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The Storm 59

Ancient, from Australia

Senior Member
The Storm 59 was last seen:
Aug 30, 2010
    1. MASTER016
      i am going to need your help when i get back on x box live after i am ungrounded with the gurdains being blocked off ok my gt is exactly the same
    2. EonsAgo
      Nah, I've got stuff goin on too. This is just a fun distraction.
    3. EonsAgo
      Dude, I was searching for your post about infection maps, but I couldn't even find you!
      (View confusion here.) Thank god Frag Man found you!
    4. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
    5. xFr1ct10nx
      well, did u check out the announcements, if ur interested i may be able to get u in...cuz we are deciding either this weekend or the weekend after the big search.

      if u can come the 17th or the 19th, ill be doing that then also...
    6. xFr1ct10nx
      hey, can u do the search party thing, on oct. 18th. we need more ppl, in it. also you may wanna look at the group announcments, idk, but i think you would be a good announcer/mod for our group. think about it maybe?
    7. RadiantRain
      You want to join our group Mr.Fluffy Pants

      Forge Hub Halo Forums - Campaign to Give MonkeyDeath three Green Bars
    8. Something.
      The one still being a problem is uneven spawns. Haven't really played around with the spawn system, so I'm asking a guy who knows their **** as to what to do.
    9. Something.
      Good, because I found more issues (ugh). Most of em were solved though.
    10. Something.
      Normally I don't play halo at 3:30 in the morning, unless I'm sick or something.
    11. Something.
      Oh, I'm fairly sure it is breakable all along the path the creeps must take (hint hint as to what it is), however, since they're constantly under fire, it would be beyond foolish to try.

      Also it's on foundry, and if you add my GT (Someguy798) And are online at around 3:30 - 5:30 EST I'll show you it.
    12. Something.
      It's coming along nicely, finally got a full game on it (8 on 8), and even though it had some MAJOR bugs it was freaking intense!

      Fixed them though, and thinking about getting a map post together for like, a public beta. Just get some feeedback on what's still wrong, fix it, then release an actual version.

      One regret though: I had to abandon the infection gametype for it. Territories worked much better with the game's flow.
    13. Something.
    14. Vinny
      what did you mean by the ones "closer to lock"?
    15. dented_drum
      Yes. I use the old skin because I think the new one fails. I used this color font until I realized that folks with the new skin couldn't read it easily. I chose red because it sticks out to both skins.
    16. dented_drum
      I use red, though...
    17. Xx BEHEM0TH xX
    18. Xx BEHEM0TH xX
      Xx BEHEM0TH xX
      I am just saying how I can relate to the fact that you think people don't truly understand the meaning of infection. It has gone from an enjoyable gametype to placing every weapon available in a corner and calling it a map. So when I try to introduce people to the oldschool infection they think I am crazy and have no idea how to make a good infection map. It is rather irritating sometimes...
    19. Xx BEHEM0TH xX
      Xx BEHEM0TH xX
      Hey I read your infection thread. I feel like I have known you my whole That is how infection is meant to be played.
    20. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      heh :) looks like its going to be fun :)
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