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11y 27w ago
Feb 1, 2008
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Oct 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
North East uk

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Ancient, from North East uk

Senior Member
Matty was last seen:
Sep 1, 2013
    1. BASED GOD
      No it isn't.
    2. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Chilling mostly, I should be around during the day. ATM I'm just sorting through odd jobs on the site, but I'll be playing Forza and forging later on. You about?
    3. QKT
      like your face
    4. QKT
      sort out my ****
    5. QKT
      skype this skype that
      go sort out triggers down you semi-geordie
    6. Shock Theta
    7. Novak
      No sorry, I don't have Skype. Would it be possible to talk over live? I have the cheapest card as well, so yea, the quality from either of us would be pretty low.
    8. Novak
      Ok, I would be able cap the clips for you if that would work out better because I know from experience it takes a lot of time and can be tedious. We can talk about stuff once you get your laptop, I'll try to remind you in a few weeks too.
    9. Insane54
      Hey, tell me whenever your officially done with your montage and I'll send it over to urk for ya ;)
    10. Novak
      would you ever consider editing a montage for someone else? the editing in your was pretty nasty. I was just wondering if you wanted to edit my next one for me, here is my first one that I edited. The gameplay is all dirty stuff, but there's no real "editing", just syncing. I can cap all the clips and angles if that would make it easier for you to edit. Message me back if you're interested.

      Martin + Novak - H3M1 on Vimeo
    11. QKT
      in your face
    12. QKT
    13. QKT
      get a mac
    14. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      XPS is pretty good, but I haven't looked at the specs - I imagine you're skimping on something, including the screen.
    15. Shock Theta
    16. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      lOL NO NOT YOU
    17. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      I refuse to study under Roche ever since he beat me and Alby 2v1... Which is kinda stupid I guess but who cares... and yeah technically I still forge but I haven't finished anything in forever, whenever I come up with a design I like either:

      A) Everyone else finds so many flaws it's pointless to build

      B) I instantly get annoyed and bored of forging it

      And whenever someone designs a map for me to build I very rarely like it, or I yet again, get bored of it...
    18. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      Until I H4Xingly pull host, then it'll be in that even area until I figure out what the **** I'm doing... which is normally just as my opponent is getting the last kill... ****ing annoying that actually...
    19. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      Oi noob, add iNumbbb if you can be bothered.. it's midnight now so i won't accept it yet, but yeah...
    20. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Girl's playing oblivion atm.