X taco king X
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Oct 6, 2009 at 7:21 PM
Apr 14, 2009
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At gamestop

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X taco king X

Ancient, from At gamestop

Senior Member
X taco king X was last seen:
Oct 6, 2009
    1. Dow
      You obviously havent been here very long. *Points to join date*. But it didn't always used to be where every map on the front page was either not very good, or wasn't posted correctly. Not every map has to be posted is all Im saying because it makes it harder to find the maps that are worth having. Not trying to be mean to anyone remember, and it is also just an opinion. And also, I don't know where you are getting this post count thing, I barely ever post in the map section... and even if I was, it wouldn't have been that long..
    2. lb Sephiroth dl
      lb Sephiroth dl
      Thanks for having my back in my thread.
    3. Black Theorem
    4. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      That's not my thread, nor is it my video... I saw you needed help, just wanted to assist. lol
    5. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      Of course, man. I'd be happy to show you, but I'm a busy guy. I'll send you a FR. Next time you're on, jump in my game, or send me an inv, alright?
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  • About

    At gamestop
    X taco king X
    I've been playing halo 3 for about 4 months, but have have owned/played Halo + Halo 2 as well as Halo Wars.

    I enjoy Xbox360, facebook, computer graphics, fire emblem, and more...

    Halo 3 Forge, Fireemblem


    Signature by me.