Last Activity:
Jun 16, 2010 at 9:46 PM
May 23, 2008
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Senior Member
GladiateSmiths was last seen:
Jun 16, 2010
    1. Debo37
      Awesome! How active is the group, would you say? And 'grats on writing the article, looks mighty fine from the front page post that I can see while logged off. :P
      I'm sooooo tempted to log on right now but I can't, seeing as I'll then be obligated to catch up on everything and not get to bed at a decent hour.
    2. Debo37
      I've been gewd! One test left!! Hooray! Except it's IB Chemistry. Boner killer. Haha. I'll sign onto Bnet sometime next week. Can't be too distracted from this essay I've been a writin'. ;)
    3. Debo37
      Bahahahahahahahaha I be a mystery no longer.
    4. Debo37
      You'd be surprised at how many people are in on the game. Supposedly it will end when the queen of England declares that she has lost the game on television. Regardless, the goal is to have everyone in the world playing.
    5. Debo37
      I lost the game. :'(

      Yell that out the next time you're in a large public venue. I yelled it at DIA (Denver International Airport) and a guy said "****, I haven't lost in three years!!" It was amazing.
    6. Debo37
      Lose The Game

      Click if you dare.
    7. Debo37
      XForgery is of a small enough size (within our recruitable parameters, so to speak), so I say yay to them! :D
    8. Debo37
      I wasn't working on any, sadly. :( Out of curiosity who are you looking at recruiting?
    9. Debo37
      For ten more minutes at max.
    10. Debo37
      At this point he's left twice, so I'd just let him go. He wasn't doing anything anyway, so it shouldn't be a big deal. He'll come back eventually. At the moment I'm wooing a couple of pretty big groups that should come into our fold soon enough; Epic Pic and The Revisionaries are screenshot groups and Team Mythic is a booming clan-style group. Revs are 200+ with a heavy tag presence and esteemed leaders, Epic pic is 1100+ with a bunch of highly ranked photographers, and Team Mythic is probably the fastest growing and most active group I've ever seen. When we boost membership to 250+ I'm planning on popping the question (hahahahaha) to the big groups to bring them in officially. My goal for the moment is 200 members by the end of May. Recruit as much as you can!
    11. Debo37
      Yessir I do.

      On an unrelated note, : Halo 3 All Tags
    12. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Oh, shut up Hank.

      Skype dude.
    13. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      yrhtgrtsyhagastahe5gsthgrsrhtgrartr nsgratshgartsn
    14. Debo37
    15. Debo37
    16. Debo37
      Would Fridayish be a good time for the LG story to go up?
    17. Debo37
      Hehe thanks. The bird one was pretty BA too.
    18. Debo37
      Same here. We'll come up with something golden eventually.
    19. Debo37
    20. Debo37
      I posted again in TCE Staff's thread about ranks. Opinions?
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