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Nov 16, 2010 at 8:32 PM
Apr 19, 2009
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Senior Member
Drummerguy360 was last seen:
Nov 16, 2010
    1. cory21
      hey, I'm canceling Agents tonight, sorry
    2. the sbi elite
      the sbi elite
      your comments mixed with some other peoples coments really helped! thats wats so good about forgehub. People in these forums (like you) know what their talking about, and they give good feedback which helps fix the map. thanks a ton for your comment for helping me and the comment for encouraging me :)

      good luck on your maps also!
      with friendly care,
      The SBI Elite
    3. the sbi elite
      the sbi elite
      hey i got your comment on my map "MLG Sanct." and i was wondering wat i could do to make it stick out more? and does aesthetics mean looks?
    4. Drummerguy360
      Thanks very much shroomz
    5. MaxSterling
      In order to geomerge on Sandbox, you need to do this...
      The item you want to geomerge, brace the item on all side like any other time. Go to the item properties and set PLACE AT START to NO. Start a new round. Let's say you want to merge a double block into the floor halfway... before the block spawns, place a column on it's side in between all the braces. Place a regular block on top of it and remove the column before the double block spawns. When the double block spawns, it should be braces on all four sides and be partially merged with the block on top. Grab the double block and it should push itself down since it's merged with the block on top... and geomerge with the floor. Be sure to reset the PLACE AT START setting to YES. Hope that helped.
    6. Conkerkid11
      Sorry, my friend's list is full.
    7. Drummerguy360
      (has grid world)
    8. Drummerguy360
    9. Drummerguy360
      The first two about 5 days before those. It's like my first week on the site.

      Grey: You know, they wouldn't infract it, but others would.
    10. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      what exactly do you mean they grey areas.
      And I only reported the first two, I didn't do the last 2
    11. Drummerguy360
      ur the dude who reported them didn't you. Some mods say those were the grey area of spam.

      Dude if you have a problem with what I post, please just tell me before you report me.
    12. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Well, then if you quit, you shouldn't get anymore.
      And please reply on my page instead of on yours.
    13. Drummerguy360
      Yeah you didn't really help that much I just got 2 more infractions to make 4
    14. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      no you cant not tell. And yes, every time somebody posts like that, report them. I see you are making better posts now, so I guess this helped after all didn't it.
      And, if it is flawless, do not reply to it. And, btw, no map is flawless.
      And I do not play everyday, I just like this site and I like maps.
      And do not tell me this discussion is over, ok.
    15. Drummerguy360
      Okay that map was basically FLAWLESS there wasn't anything else more to say. Plus I've seen plenty of people posting like that, so I guess I just picked this up. Look, why the hell are we arguing about this anyways? Discussion over.

      Also I only play videogames on the weekend. I don't play every day like *ahem* some people, but I can basically tell by the pictures what the game is going to play like.
    16. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      You have to give him some good constructive feedback,ok

      Not just say it is great and a feature, that isn't helping him in any way.
      And play the map before you actually post on it, because think about it.
      If you posted a map and you wanted people to post things on how to make it better, and someone sent wow,great map cant wait till I play it.
    17. Drummerguy360
      No you took part of that from this post:

      "Wow that has to be one of the best if not the best symmetrical map in the game. The aesthetics are great, it stands way out above the rest. And it looks like it PLAYS well too! Wow, one hell of a map. Can't wait to try it out.

      This might actually be a new feature"

      Maybe I should be more specific but I don't think that it's spam
    18. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      No, you are supposed to make well informed post giving the creator some suggestions on how to improve his/her map.
      Here is what you do, "Nice map, it PLAYS well and I give it a 9/10"
    19. Drummerguy360
      wtf I'm posting compliments and suggestions. THATS WHAT IM SUPPOSED TO DO!!
    20. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Stop spamming the map thread
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    My best maps maps:
    TC Conference B (slayer)
    Skyscraper MT--A Monster Trucks map, remake of the Mario Kart 64 battle map