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Apr 9, 1992 (Age: 32)

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Ancient, from Jersey

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iRaynne was last seen:
Jul 25, 2013
    1. Pegasi
      Nice, that works, expense is annoying but it's the way it goes with mac hardware, what's the one you bought called?

      And yeah, seriously fo sho. I wana get some decent gameplay vids down. I hope to get a capture card of my own sometime and start montage-making. Not of my own stuff, but for other peeps, I have high clip standards which my Halo skills don't match up to :P.

      But yeah, should be on later. Just got an exam out of the way today and did baaad, so need to do some Haloage tonight to chill, should see you there.
    2. Pegasi
      Ooooouch dude, I know that pain, but luckily I caught them before I bought any. Getting one for Mac is a *****, but there's one I'm looking at for around 80 quid. Are you able to take it back? Or are you gonna get a dual boot going?
    3. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      I'm going to bed, but I'll check it out tomorrow.
    4. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      ite is called
      yes, it is a bad name as of right now, but i am getting it changed.
      It has over 1000 members, but insane willllll notttttt give us an affiliation.
    5. Roche178
      Yeah I got banned for the day, I think it was for my bio, apparently you can't have "****" in your profile without getting banned.
    6. Pegasi
      I do, add hamish.edmondson
    7. Pegasi
      Lol, haven't played a (full) game of MLG today. Maybe half a CTF game but that doesn't count. I actually got revision done, it felt weird...
    8. Pegasi
      Bah, food first, then I'll consider other things. Brb.
    9. Pegasi
      Lol, yeah, what you said. I played Squad Battle earlier and was all like, ew, vehicles. My friend requesteddog is starting to think me elitist I reckon :P.
      *sigh* I'm supposed to be up in like 6 hours, that just ain't gonna happen.
    10. Pegasi
      Tbh yeah, I think that could be a good plan, then we can kick it off with more of a bang and not have it fade it, thus making it more noticeable etc. I'm pretty much the same, I've got to force myself not to go on LIVE today :P. Got so much revision backed up it's not true, and it's only gonna get worse until the 13th of May. When we're both done we can sit down and dedicate some real time to it, make some waves so to speak, but I'm sure we'll have time for a little MLG playlist as well :P.
    11. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      : ) Nice one
    12. Pegasi
      I swear, character limits are the bane of my existence...


      Lol, the ol' Sniper betrayal. I've got a classic clip of a guy who started AR'ing me (his choice of weapon says it all really) in the back when I took 'his' sniper on the pit. I, for once, tried to ignore it and just get on with the game, losing because of betrayals and getting distracted wears thin after a while. But then he said I sucked with the snipes, and that was just the final straw. 180 spin and a single snipe bullet right in his face, he was a lot quieter with his comments on my sniping skill after that, funny that. I treasure that clip, it makes me laugh when I'm feeling down.
    13. Pegasi

      Me, retire from Halo? Lol indeed, the very notion is absurd. Add Rohyplolz if you feel for it, I'll probably be on it for another couple of weeks (I always forget when I start 1months, so can never remember when they'll run out). From thursday onwards I'll be back at Uni with a tasty open NAT, and we can finally party up if you're down. And I too hope the FNF is before your exams, would be great to have you in on it. I'm off to bed now dude, gotta be up early (lol, that'll be the day). Catch you tomorrow hopefully.
    14. Pegasi
      Oooh, Shad0w is pretty darn good, should be interesting. Still, I think we can take 'em. I've been having fun tonight on a mess-around one month, a poor fool of a first lieutenant decided to betray me repeatedly, no idea why. I, of course, booted him after asking him to stop and him ignoring me. Not content to leave it at that, he challenged me to a 1v1, I think you can guess what happened... Laughs all round. Ok so maybe it was just me laughing... Normally I try not to be mean, I get how some people get angry when playing MM etc, lord knows I have from time to time, but this guy just wouldn't let it go. He's strangely silent now though...
    15. Shanon
      Not sure when the stuff is. I asked Insane and he said it might take a while for him to get everything orgnized and such. It's definately not this Friday or next though.
    16. Pegasi
      Sounds good with the GT, I'm still waiting on Xanon to get back to me with the date and time, I'm guessing he meant this friday, but tbh it could well the next one, maybe even the one after that (FNF organisation never seems to go as quickly as planned :P). I'll let you know as soon as I'm told, hopefully it should be a time we can all do. If it's this coming friday or next then I'll be up in Norwich, meaning our good ol' NAT issues won't be a problem, and even if it's after that we're changing internet at my real home, so we shouldn't have any problems with NAT either way. I think some online play would be a good idea, once Xanon has a date set with Insane I'll try and get all 4 of us together to try some MM as a team, see how we work together and try to get some roles set etc.

      This should be fun! And I have no idea who the Staff team will be yet, all I know is that Insane54 will be one of them, but we can take 'im :P.
    17. Pegasi
      Hey dude, fancy joining Xanon, Orangerermi and myself in a Friday Night Fight against the Staff? I dunno if there's been an FNF since you've been around, they used to be more frequent but dropped off the radar a while ago, but it's basically like the Bungie Humpday challenges used to be. We're in need of a 4th and I immediately thought of you, especially since Xanon and Orange want an MLG theme to it. So, pending us being able to match up past the NAT issues, would you like to get in on it? The reputation of non-staff is at stake here :P.
    18. Pegasi
      That looks sexy dude. Im doing some midnight browsing on my phone right now but Il get right on it after tomorrow after my first bout of revision, sigh, I hate exams.
    19. Shock Theta
    20. Pegasi
      Sounds good dude. About the map though, it's only got as far as the drawing on paper stage as yet. I've been getting Forge lethargy a lot recently, I need to get over it and actually start Forging this beast :P. When this does happen I'd love to show you and get your thoughts, hopefully I'll manage to get this plan down on sketchup or something and work out the design niggles before I start Forging, running in to such problems in the Forging process always knocks my motivation even further.
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  • About

    Apr 9, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Football, Soccer, Gaming, Partying, Chicks



    Never 4get