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Dec 6, 2020 at 5:03 AM
Dec 20, 2008
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King of the Fruits, Male

Senior Member
Limeyy was last seen:
Dec 6, 2020
    1. Kidbomber
      my friends list is full, just send me a msg and if you still need to talk to me gladly invite me to a party then.
    2. MNM1245
      Nice avatar picture :D Elisha C is a hotty.
    3. Ladnil
      You talk to Phuria yet? I'm definitely interested if you guys will accept me. If not, I have vague ideas of what to do for my next solo map.
    4. What's A Scope?
    5. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      So no you have seen what i can do. If you get any ideas just let me know. Cause when it comes to sandbox i just draw a blank. Maybe you could get something epic put together for makisupa and my collab. Ill talk to you later. ~hectic
    6. Project
    7. Project
      well pixie sent me a sketchup of an idea that me and him is going to try and forge and see were we get from there.
    8. Project
    9. Project
      ok just wondering, when do u think u will have it done>?
    10. Project
      hows the sketchup coming?
    11. Project
      well if you want to just go ahead and sketch it than i can look at it and make desisions from there. does that sound good?
    12. Project
      ok sounds good add
      my shots a kill

      and how are we doing this, are you just going to use your imagination to forge it?, or are we going in forge together and making ideas, Because i dont know if we can do the second one because i have baseball right after school and i wont be back until late.
    13. Project
      hey did u get my messages?
    14. Project
      ok im going to send you the map, after that i have to go to a baseball game ill be back in about 5 hours, so can you check out the map, and sketch it up before i get back? if so heres the map : Halo 3 File Details

      if you could could you try and get it done before i get back so i can start on it right away. and if you can just send me pics of the sketchup in pm
    15. Project
      well i cant load up sketchup so what should i do?, do you want me to hurry and send you the map real quick?
    16. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Ok, I am home,
      I want to keep everything that is in the pics. Then I want the walkways coming out from the floating walkways, I want them to angle down into the bases and connect.
      Then in the corners, where the between the walls and the walkways you just angled, I want there to be snipe towers with staair cases toward the bases.

      Then I want the center 4 towers to connect with some sick design, not quite sure on what yet. And I want the bases to have some really kool designs around them like on onslaught or amplified. Put some cover around them that looks kool.

      I also want the space that is left around the bases and the center 4 structures to have some good looking cover.
    17. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Well, in I cant tell you now cuz my mammaws keyboard is messed up and it took me an hour jus to type this.

      I will give you more info when I get home
    18. Pixie Dust
      Pixie Dust
      alright thanks dude. and that arch way he wants. i hape you know a sik way to do it cuz he want double boxes but im sure you go something better in mind. thanks again dude. im piled high with sketchup so you doing that one for me would help alot.
    19. Pixie Dust
      Pixie Dust
      hey dude i was wonderin if you could do this one for star iz legiit.

      On that map I posted on your thread. Well here is what I want.

      ALl of the pictures that I put on there and the side that is floating, I want it to angle outwards toward the bases, like straight out angled. And then I want a snipe tower on each side in the corners . Then I want an arch way coming out of the snipe towers and connecting in th middle. Then I want the middle four structures to connect with stair cases or something and make it like a really kool shape.
    20. Pixie Dust
      Pixie Dust
      1_item_lol.skp Download File on FileFront
      lol map made out of stair cases and red/blue collums. o and its 2 way S. so yeah and 2 collums r missing. =P
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