Star iz Legiit
Last Activity:
May 15, 2009 at 6:06 PM
Jan 5, 2009
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Star iz Legiit

Ancient, from kentucky

Senior Member
Star iz Legiit was last seen:
May 15, 2009
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      oh well. I and others read it as such.

      end of discussion.
    2. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      Then why would you reply to me? It obviously does.
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      you were being emo.

      I told you to stop.

      fair warning.

      Have someone else remind me to unban you from it tomorrow, if you do it yourself, you're banned for another day, because I really dont want to deal with you.
    4. SargeantSarcasm
      banned from the shoutbox for the day.
    5. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      Honestly, you fail more than that Captain Planet show... Srsly.
    6. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
    7. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      So, can I consider that as your resignation from the Testers Guild?
    8. The Cheat
      The Cheat
      I think you should stop with Sarge...It doesn't really look like your winning.
    9. What's A Scope?
    10. SargeantSarcasm
      No, being the better man would be shutting the **** up and going about your business. Not getting the last word.

      So either stfu or be stupid. Its your choice.
    11. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      You are in no position to negotiate. There are plenty of good members in the guild. The star will not be removed. I have made my decision. Make yours.
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      I really dont appreciate it when some puritanical dumbass comes along and tries to call me corrupt when:

      A) I've spared you from being banned, your actions already could've resulted in your expulsion from the site

      I don't think I'm intelligent, I only KNOW that I possess average intelligence, the same cannot be said for you, my pitiful opponent. If you werent here for those reasons, why did you perpetuate the argument? Clearly, your purpose at that point was to get the last word, to be the morally righteous man, when the right thing to do woulda been to **** OFF in the first place.

      Please stop being a dumbass on the forums okay? Stop talking to me, stop referring to me, stop doing ANYTHING that has to do with me or me having to see anything.

      And the only thing more annoying than having to correct your mistakes is having to read them.

      ::exeunt all::
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      Actually, YOUR actions caused YOU to get people to

      A) hate you
      B) give you a red star

      I only replied intelligently to your idiocy, you decided to keep going and publicize it, thinking you were right, when EVERYONE said the opposite.

      I'm going to quote someone, because they said it rather nicely:

      "I do not have a problem with you. I have a problem with how you act"

      you act like a righteous bumpkin with his head so far up his own ass he thinks he's gained enlightenment to the ways of the world, however, in reality, they're just covered in ****.

      I only replied to you like that because:

      A) YOU came to me AFTER I told you to stay away. YOU were not smart enough to heed those words, so I clarified it in my PM. I have all the evidence, and EVERYONE who knows of this says you're in the wrong, that you're delusional, and that you're the victim of your own retardation.
      B) I grew tired of hearing of your dumbassery, so I wanted to distance myself from it.
    14. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      I do not understand what you are trying to say in your first sentence.

      That star was removed, and I did not give it to you. I do not have a problem with you. I have a problem with how you act.
    15. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      You may not consider it spam, but I do. If I need to, I will link you to them. Also, just because the spam happened a while ago doesn't mean it doesn't count. Things build up. Your disccussion with Sarge "was the straw that broke the camel's back". The mature thing would have been to ignore it, but you egged it on. The star will not be removed.
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      Actually, its called artistic license, its acceptible to shift grammatical rules for the sake of emphasis as long as it is clear and concise. misspelling on the other hand...

      oh and thats really sad that your only retort was imitating me mocking your idiocy...really, be original.
    17. SargeantSarcasm
      I'm a ****ing prick for speaking normally? for not allowing stupidity to hinder the site?


      I'm a dumbass who can spell "genius" correctly it seems.

      My whole life? really? Unlike you, I don't get homeschooled and suck on mommy's teet all day. I have friends, I have a social life. I talk to people on a daily basis sir. Although, my personal endeavors only relate to you when I visit your we'll just keep such matters out of here.

      I basically live on it? I'm waiting to see your "proof" of such a claim.

      yes, my ass gets "soar" flying over the skies. Although, it doesn't get "sore" like yours does from nocturnal activities in the bedroom.
    18. SargeantSarcasm
      You're trying to sound intelligent? Holy **** when'd you do that? Please, point it out.

      Actually, to convey ideas properly, DECENT (not proper) grammar is a necessecity, otherwise you just go around being a dipshit who thinks the stuff left over on his thumb when stuck up his ass are "yummy moon rocks"

      "The only time I do that is when I am typing a report or something, not go get a life and go outside."

      I'm sure. So you'd rather type up reports than go "Get a life and go outside"? thats sad dude...
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      You're not talking to your need for such harsh language.
    20. SargeantSarcasm
      "And this conversation is now over, so do not reply on my page again, or I will be forced to lay a ****ing beatdown on your ass."

      Its over when you give up actually, or get of the two.
      And I'm 6'5, my reach could knock you the **** out from a distance...oh're a dipshit...kthxbai
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  • About

    none,only in high school
    Star iz Legiit
    Hey,I love to play play all sports and do just about anything that concerns the outdoors,I also love to play Halo 3,so if you want to play with me or against me,i'm here,so just message me

    basketball,baseball,football,fishing,hunting,playing halo,riding motocross

