Star iz Legiit
Last Activity:
May 15, 2009 at 6:06 PM
Jan 5, 2009
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Star iz Legiit

Ancient, from kentucky

Senior Member
Star iz Legiit was last seen:
May 15, 2009
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      "Ok, I mispelled nothing."

      really? one second...

      "no good for nothing" double're really complimenting me here...
      "you should go **** a dog for all I care" A suggestion, then claiming that you really care about it...disturbing. moderately intelligent people would say "go **** a dog for all I care" or "you should go **** a dog, I dont care" not a combination of both.

      "may I add you are currupt" When ATTEMPTING to insult someone, you don't "ask" for permission...

      furthermore...and heres the mispelled "CORRUPT"

      as in, you're a "corrupt[ed] piece of human flesh whose words degrade you so much, its almost as if you're literally shitting words whenever you speak"

      see. thats an insult. you should really go to a better school.
    2. SargeantSarcasm
      yeah, but I don't take things to heart when they come from people that can't even spell the words they're insulting me with.
    3. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      There is a "wrap quotes" button at the top, above your text. Or you can do it manually with [.quote] [/.quote] (without the .'s).
    4. SargeantSarcasm
      "you've gotten on my nerves multiple times, so I suggest you just stay away from me for a while."

      "LOL, ok be like that, idc.
      You got on my nerves to, so lets just not write to each other ever again"

      Actually it is, when its provoked.

      I told you to stay away, you agreed, that was the end of it.

      Then you continued to pester me, clearly meaning that you didn't understand the meaning of the following words:

      "I suggest you stay away from me for a while"

      So I made it as simplified as possible so that your "brain" could possibly comprehend it without me contorting my body into all manner of weird shapes and speaking in grunts and sighs for you.

      "**** OFF"

      That clear enough?
    5. SargeantSarcasm
      "you are a mod"

      YOU CAN POINT OUT THE OB...oh wait you said this:

      "it was your job to answer my questions" close...

      Actually, my "job" is:
      -To moderate the forums
      -Keep idiots like you in check

      And look at this...

      People favor intelligence over idiocy...

      PLEASE...PLEASE put one up...people will only laugh at you.

      oh, and make sure that it follows guidelines and whatnot or a mod may infract you, not me, but someone else may.

      I want to see where this leads, I've never dealt with such a stubborn idiot before.
    6. SargeantSarcasm
      ANNNNND get ready to be humiliated...thread going up.

      I forgot to tell you...
      Star...I AM YOUR FATHER.

      nah I'm not, if I were, you'd be of at LEAST average intelligence...
      too bad...your life wouldn't be so meaningless...

      oh well, have fun ****ing your mother, you clear byproduct-of-incestuous-activities.
    7. iRaynne
      Its logical that Insane isn't considering your site. It doesn't have a domain name, giving it an unofficial feel. The forums don't look that great either, and posts are pretty minimal. You say that you have 1000 members but only a small fraction of those are active.
    8. redeyesmaster
      my problem is that you are in no position to tell me about spaming.
    9. iRaynne
      whats your website called?
    10. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Loyal members earnt their rank, and stripping them of it when life moves on would be in bad taste. Activity isn't a criteria for selection of Respected members.
    11. FrankFries
      I thank you for that.
    12. What's A Scope?
    13. Nemihara
      Nah, don't have to understand it. I should elaborate more too not look like a total ass, but frankly I'm far too lazy. Ass it is.
    14. Nemihara
      I do believe I added real content inside of it. On the happenstance that you wish to argue about it, then I suggest you reread my post. kthx
    15. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      It means exactly what it says. Take the compliment.
    16. Norlinsky
      They're usually a suck-up thread, like if they made a guide for the site then they would be that much closer to being a mod or something. I've seen it soooo many times.

      I'm not accusing you of that, though. Just my opinion from past experience.
    17. mastersync23
      And I apologize for being somewhat of an arsehole.
    18. redeyesmaster
      dont post on my page again i dont care if i spam how about next time you just report me next time!
    19. mastersync23
      I beg your pardon?

      When have I spammed? Give me a link to what referring to, and I'll consider listening to your poorly written message.
    20. noklu
      I'm sorry man if you got the wrong impression, I was just giving an example of flaming. In fact that's what it says beneath that. If you want I'll edit it out? I am really sorry about that.
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  • About

    none,only in high school
    Star iz Legiit
    Hey,I love to play play all sports and do just about anything that concerns the outdoors,I also love to play Halo 3,so if you want to play with me or against me,i'm here,so just message me

    basketball,baseball,football,fishing,hunting,playing halo,riding motocross

