Adding Kun to the end of a names is bad unless it can be translated in Japanese. My first name actually sounds right adding San to the end of it. Matsu-San
Nobody understands anything!!! I understand exactly what your saying. The lexicon-barrier is not a very large one. What I'm telling you is that your suggestions are not actually suggestions. They seem like they're coming from a random generator. Are you a robot?
Yes. I understand everything you said. But I'm failing to see how those suggestions have anything to do with the Sig. If you thought It might be nice to apply the texture/design to the background pattern, say something like that. The GNA comments are too vague...
Yeah, I'm building a little personal database of C4D's... but I don't see myself using them often. Anyway, what do you have in mind when you suggest blending patterns? since you took juggernaut's place can you get your sigs in ASAP?