HT konakid904
Last Activity:
Jan 12, 2010 at 9:01 PM
Oct 18, 2008
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HT konakid904


Senior Member
HT konakid904 was last seen:
Jan 12, 2010
    1. Huntar
      ****KK, another rollerblader!?
    2. HT konakid904
    3. Chron
      Congratulations on the feature!
      If only you'd come online....
    4. ShaddoBlade
    5. Agamer
      I will gladly clam down.
    6. AceOfSpades
      i removed two pictures and posted the map. The two pics weren't very important so it's all good.
    7. HT konakid904
      HT konakid904
      Ok thats cool
    8. SargeantSarcasm
      this is your only warning...if I hear about or see you advertising any map or another forge site you get banned
    9. HLG FlashPoint
      HLG FlashPoint
      I was just kidding... thought of a lul sauce but we did seriously make a revised version but we don't want to get banned for map thetf so we will not get banned
    10. HLG FlashPoint
      HLG FlashPoint
      Me and my friend quagmire were wonderig if we could delete and add some parts too triton twist for lulz we were wondering if we could post the "Revised" Edition in casual maps I think it would give people lots of lul sauce and we would have epic win sauce
    11. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      I see almost all the maps posted in the forum. I'm not, however, going to have a conversation about featuring maps in the same breath as you pressuring me to look at and give feedback on your own map. It's unfair to others and it opens me up to being spammed by every other member of this site asking the same questions, a situation I will not allow to occur.
    12. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      If any of your maps are proposed for a feature on the front page, you will be informed.
    13. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      1. Maps from the forum are viewed.
      2. Maps with potential are raised for discussion amongst the loyal, premium, journalist, moderator and administrator ranks.
      3. These maps are further playtested and discussed.
      4. The most promising maps are slated for feature on the front page.
      5. Maps are added to the schedule for posting based on date of creation, conflicts with other schedules events or news articles, and in order to output balanced content over the course of each week.
    14. AI_Twitch
      [IMG]And I have it working. Took me long enough.
    15. AI_Twitch
      My apologies again for as the picture is not showing up on here.
    16. AI_Twitch
      [IMG][/IMG]Here is the map idea I had made for you Kona, my apologizies for the time it took.
    17. xXxI4 shotIxXx
      xXxI4 shotIxXx
      I was lookin through race maps and saw yours.Your merged fence boxes into the ground and had them perfect.I'm workin on a map and I need to merge a ramp out of what ever is easiest.I was wondering what teqnique do you use to geomerge?I've been trying the senders/recievers,doors way.Not going very well, sometimes it works and then it wont lol.
    18. MichMaster32
      hey how do you get your sig. to appear?
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    HT konakid904
